Campbeltown Courier

Council’s new depute leader named


A Dunoon councillor has been named as the new joint depute leader of Argyll and Bute Council.

Liberal Democrat councillor Ross Moreland, who was elected for the first time in 2022, inherits the post from the late former leader Robin Currie, who passed away in May.

Councillor Moreland will share the role with his ward colleague, Councillor Audrey Forrest (SNP), who was appointed to the joint post with Mr Currie in April.

Both will operate under the council leader, Councillor Jim Lynch (SNP, Oban South and the Isles), who became leader in April after opposition councillor­s seized power from the then ruling group.

Mr Currie’s other former posts were also reallocate­d at a meeting of the full council on Thursday, June 27, its last before breaking up for summer recess.

Councillor Moreland will also become vice-chair of the environmen­t, developmen­t and infrastruc­ture committee, working beside its chairperso­n, South Kintyre councillor John Armour (SNP), who was already a member of that committee. Mid Argyll councillor Jan Brown (SNP) will take up the vacant seat.

Councillor Luna Martin (Scottish Greens, Oban North and Lorn) will take up the vacant position on the policy and resources committee. Councillor William Sinclair (Liberal Democrat, Cowal) will join the A83 taskforce committee, taking an active role in the developmen­t of the Rest and Be Thankful.

Warm tributes were also paid to Mr Currie at the council meeting by Provost Douglas Philand and Councillor Moreland, who is also now leader of the council’s LibDem group.

 ?? Photograph: Kevin McGlynn ?? Kilmory Castle, Argyll and Bute Council’s headquarte­rs; and inset, Councillor Ross Moreland.
Photograph: Kevin McGlynn Kilmory Castle, Argyll and Bute Council’s headquarte­rs; and inset, Councillor Ross Moreland.
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