Campbeltown Courier

Ls pipers step out for funds


The sound of pipes and drums resounded across the beach as members of Kintyre Schools Pipe Band successful­ly completed a sponsored march from Westport to Machrihani­sh last Sunday.

A group of about 60 pipers, drummers, parents and friends got together in glorious sunshine to undertake the walk.

The challenge for the band was to march the five miles along the foreshore playing pipes and drums continuous­ly, in relay, without interrupti­on. Successful completion was assessed and confirmed by an independen­t panel of experts.

The band played an ever-changing selection of tunes over two and a half hours, rounding off with that perennial favourite The Hills of Argyll.

Band members excelled themselves by managing to keep their pipes in tune and their feet dry, and no-one complained that their drum was too heavy.

Following the march, burgers and refreshmen­ts were served at Machrihani­sh Village Hall where the band finished off the afternoon with a few rousing sets of tunes.

Kintyre Pipe Band Associatio­n president Ian McKerral congratula­ted all involved in sticking to the task.

“It was pretty warm out there but the on-shore breeze was just perfect,” he said. “What a pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon in the great outdoors with some fine music thrown in.

“The band’s coffers will get a good boost once sponsor money comes in.

“I’d like to thank West Coast Motors, Argyll Bakeries, Campbeltow­n Bowling Club and Machrihani­sh Village Hall for their support with the march.”

Kintyre Schools Pipe Band will now be taking a short break for the next fortnight. The band will then be practising hard over the summer for the Scottish Pipe Band Championsh­ips at Dumbarton on Saturday July 27, the

European Championsh­ips at Perth on Sunday August 11 and the World Championsh­ips in Glasgow on Saturday August 17.

Locally, KSPB will be appearing at Southend Highland

Games on Saturday July 20, Kintyre Agricultur­al Show on Friday August 2 and the Mull of Kintyre Music Festival from Thursday August 22 to Sunday August 25.

Band members were disappoint­ed that their recent planned visit to Carradale had to be called off owing to bad weather. They now hope to fit in a Carradale performanc­e at some point in the second half of August.

 ?? Photograph: Kenny Craig. ?? Piper John Lang Brown, his wife Lorna and the couple’s grandchild­ren Jack and Joe Barr, and Eva and Cara McKinven were all smiles before the walk.
Photograph: Kenny Craig. Piper John Lang Brown, his wife Lorna and the couple’s grandchild­ren Jack and Joe Barr, and Eva and Cara McKinven were all smiles before the walk.

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