Campbeltown Courier

Plans approved for new house in Muasdale


Councillor­s have unanimousl­y approved plans for a new house on the west coast of Kintyre despite 10 objections from the public.

The proposal by Mr J Herrod for the site at Leananmor, in Muasdale, went under the microscope at a key Argyll and Bute Council committee meeting.

After discussion over the route which would be used to gain access to the site, the applicatio­n for planning permission was given the go-ahead.

The meeting of the council’s planning, protective services and licensing committee took place on Wednesday June 19.

Councillor Fiona Howard, Helensburg­h Central, asked whether the access path to the site would be a private access route, or a public right of way.

Planning officer Tiwaah Antwi said: “It will be a public right of way. The applicant has submitted revised land ownership certificat­ion to allow him to use this as the main access.

“There are no plans to put a gate, or anything similar, in place.”

Councillor Jan Brown, Mid Argyll, then asked: “Will the applicant make this path hard standing, or is it anything to do with the applicatio­n at all?

“I worry that if this is going to be used as the main access route, it could be churned up by vehicles and make access a bit more difficult.”

Ms Antwi responded: “For the first few metres on the actual site, it will be reconstruc­ted as part of the conditions that Transport Scotland has raised in order to accept the proposal, as it joins on to the A83.

“This will be done with bitumen materials, and the remaining part will be left as it is.”

The applicatio­n was then unanimousl­y approved.

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