Campbeltown Courier


- By Hannah O’Hanlon editor@campbeltow­

Members of Kintyre Schools Pipe Band are all smiles in this photograph despite having marched five miles along the beach from Westport to Machrihani­sh last Sunday, playing pipes and drums continuous­ly, in relay, without interrupti­on. For the full story, turn to pages six and seven.

With a reputation as one of Scotland’s top courses, Machrihani­sh Golf Club is no stranger to famous faces but last Saturday’s visitor is one of the sport’s greatest ever players.

Tom Watson, 74, whose career highlights include five Open Championsh­ips, two Masters titles, and one US Open title, played a round on Machrihani­sh Golf Club’s iconic championsh­ip course.

The 18-hole links course, famously designed by Old Tom Morris, overlooks Machrihani­sh

Bay and is known as having “the best opening hole in golf” – and it must have received the seal of approval from Mr Watson as he said he would love to return.

Among those to welcome Mr Watson to the club was its PGA head profession­al, Jennie Dunn, who presented the golfing legend with a custom-made ball marker in an engraved box. The token was made by her partner, Oliver Armour, who has a small business making bespoke ball markers.

Jennie said: “The engraving on the marker were all of Tom’s major wins and the box was engraved with his initials and the Machrihani­sh Golf Club logo.

“It was just a little gift to remember his visit to Machrihani­sh. His partner came up to me in the clubhouse after their round and thanked me again for the thoughtful gift, which was made in Machrihani­sh.”

She added: “Tom and his partner were genuinely lovely people and it was quite a relaxed setting to chat to him. He loved the course.”

Before his round, Mr Watson invited Jennie to play with him but she politely declined, informing him she already had lessons booked.

“I had lessons throughout the morning,” she said, “but even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to take up his offer as I’m nearly five months pregnant and currently not playing.”

Among the youngsters who attend Jennie’s coaching sessions is eight-year-old Lyle Ramsay, a junior member at the golf club, who was delighted to meet Mr Watson on Saturday.

“It was an excellent opportunit­y for Lyle and the club’s other junior players to get some tips from one of golf’s greatest players,” said his mum Carol.

“He was really nervous but excited to meet Tom as his dad and granddad had told him all about him in the morning.”

Machrihani­sh Golf Club member Stephen Sibbald, who snapped some photograph­s of Mr Watson teeing off, said it was great to see him

in action. Stephen, who has dual British and American citizenshi­p, spends half the year in Campbeltow­n and the other half in Florida.

“Tom is a real American treasure,” said Stephen. “He is from Kansas and has a great genuine friendly Midwest personalit­y.

“Tom stated after his round of two-over-par, he would come back in a heartbeat to play it again.”

 ?? Photograph: Kenny Craig. ??
Photograph: Kenny Craig.
 ?? Sibbald; Photograph: Stephen ?? Machrihani­sh Golf Club PGA head profession­al Jennie Dunn, left, with Tom Watson and his partner. right, junior golfer Lyle Ramsay was delighted to meet a legend of the sport. and
Sibbald; Photograph: Stephen Machrihani­sh Golf Club PGA head profession­al Jennie Dunn, left, with Tom Watson and his partner. right, junior golfer Lyle Ramsay was delighted to meet a legend of the sport. and
 ?? Photograph: Stephen Sibbald. ?? Eight-time major winner and golfing legend Tom Watson on Machrihani­sh Golf Club’s iconic first tee.
Photograph: Stephen Sibbald. Eight-time major winner and golfing legend Tom Watson on Machrihani­sh Golf Club’s iconic first tee.

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