Campbeltown Courier

‘Absolute gem of a woman’: Margaret marks 50 years at Tarbert Pharmacy


A lot has changed at Tarbert Pharmacy in 50 years, but one person has been a steady fixture, always ready to help customers with a friendly smile.

Margaret MacNeill marks a milestone this summer – five decades of dedication to the shop.

Sanjay Majhu, Apple Pharmacy Group owner, said: “Margaret is a diamond. She is an absolute gem of a woman.

“She is the epicentre of the community. I really treat Margaret as my boss to be honest. She is just fabulous in every way, she really cares about the customers, is very organised and always concerned.”

The 66-year-old joined the team aged 13, when she started her Friday afternoon and Saturday job. Upon leaving school in 1974, she became a full-time pharmacist assistant.

While Margaret has been serving the public for more than 50 years, she was shining from the early days.

In 1981 she was named Chemist Assistant of the Year in Scotland. Margaret attended the finals in Glasgow, where she answered questions and faced a panel of judges to gain the title.

Gordon Campbell owned Tarbert Pharmacy when she started and invited her to join full time when she left school.

Later it was bought by Harold Watson, who owned the business for 25 years and worked as the pharmacist, with Margaret as his assistant.

The duo worked so well together they were named joint citizens of the year at the annual senior citizen’s dinner in 2001.

Shortly afterwards, when the late Mr Watson retired, he wrote to Margaret, saying: “Tarbert has been a splendid place in which to spend the last 25 years...I thank you from the bottom of my heart for smoothing my acceptance into the local society and then for your continual support over the years to make the business what it is – extremely efficient, friendly, and very well respected. Your support on a personal basis has been most gratifying and illustrate­s your compassion for people.”

The business was bought by Alastair Scott and later by Apple Pharmacy Group, which took over Tarbert Pharmacy seven years ago.

Margaret said: “It has been some job. Every day is different. There have been so many changes. More recently I did my dispensing course, so I have been dispensing medication, which means I’m not out in the front of the shop as much. Harold used to say I was like a dog with a bone – if I didn’t know the answer to something I would do my best to find it for people.

“Covid was a very busy time. We were only allowed one person in the shop at a time, had a one-way system, and were trying not to touch anything. Some days we were there until 10pm, just trying to keep on top of things.

“It’s been in my life so long, we do feel a big responsibi­lity to our local customers.

“I think people expect more from you nowadays. People can come in and get a prescripti­on from the pharmacist, which saves them going to the doctor.

“Another thing that has changed is shopping habits. We don’t sell as much over the counter as we used to. People buy a lot more online. We used to have a massive baby section, when I started one whole side of the shop was filled with baby stuff.

“I think we are still quite an old-fashioned pharmacy, we are lucky that we have got a counter trade. A lot of pharmacies today are just for prescripti­ons.

“Christmas is quite busy. For the last four years, Gail and I have been doing night-time shopping appointmen­ts. People can book in for half an hour to themselves to do their Christmas shopping.”

Margaret has worked alongside fellow chemist assistant Gail MacDonald for the last 22 years. One of her favourite things about the job is meeting so many people, both customers and colleagues who become firm friends.

She added: “It makes such a difference having somebody you have been working with for such a long time, we get on really well.”

Gail said: “It doesn’t feel like 22 years. Margaret is brilliant to work with. She knows everything about her job and everyone knows Margaret.”

There have been many highs and lows through the years. Margaret and her colleagues were devastated when fellow dispenser Lynne Watt, a dear friend, died from cancer in December.

When she’s not at the pharmacy, Margaret helps her husband Duggie to run The Corner House pub. The pair host regular fundraisin­g events for various charities.

A true Tarbert legend, Margaret is a busy volunteer. She is treasurer of Tarbert Football Club and helps to organise the seafood festival, music festival and Christmas lights switch-on.

 ?? ?? Margaret MacNeill inside Tarbert Pharmacy with fellow chemist assistant Gail MacDonald, left.
Margaret MacNeill inside Tarbert Pharmacy with fellow chemist assistant Gail MacDonald, left.

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