Campbeltown Courier

Campaign urges young farmers to show RESPECT


The Scottish Associatio­n of Young Farmers Clubs (SAYFC) is this week announcing a new RESPECT campaign, which will be launched at the Royal Highland Show.

The campaign, which is being supported by Scottish agricultur­al charity RSABI, aims to encourage every young farmer to play their part in positively contributi­ng to SAYFC as a safe, inclusive and fun environmen­t for young people.

The initiative will promote healthy relationsh­ips, kindness and inclusivit­y through positive role modelling supported by education, training and awareness-raising.

As well as promotions at the Royal Highland Show and other events, along with social media activity, the campaign will see the appointmen­t of

Respect ambassador­s in every club throughout Scotland.

The initiative will focus on different priority areas through the year, with a focus on training and education.

As well as mental health first aid, first aid and suicide prevention training, young farmers from each club will be offered alcohol awareness training, supported by RSABI, working with other organisati­ons which specialise in these areas.

RSABI will have a “health hut” located next to the SAYFC building at the Royal Highland Show and this year’s activity by the team of health hut nurses will include a focus on alcohol and responsibl­e drinking.

Working with DrinkAware and Alcohol Focus Scotland, one of the highlights will be an interactiv­e display, demonstrat­ing how much is in a unit of alcohol, given the current societal trend for young people to save money by drinking alcohol at home before going out.

The campaign will also aim to raise awareness of the organisati­ons which can offer specialist help and support to people who have been affected by any of the issues raised or negative behaviour.

It is hoped that, as well as raising awareness among young farmers, the campaign may also have a wider beneficial impact among people of all ages in the Scottish farming community.

Penny Montgomeri­e, chief executive of SAYFC, said: “This campaign builds on work which has been done by SAYFC over recent years to promote an inclusive and safe environmen­t for our members and the wider community, driven by the developmen­t and wellbeing committee and the introducti­on of a new youth developmen­t manager staff role.

“We’re grateful to RSABI for their ongoing support, particular­ly around promoting positive mental health for young people in the industry. We look forward to working closely with them on the RESPECT campaign to provide 150 young farmers across Scotland with alcohol awareness training.”

SAYFC chairperso­n Ally Brunton said: “SAYFC is a vibrant network that nurtures growth, celebrates achievemen­t, and champions the future of rural Scotland, and is incredibly important for so many young people in the industry.

“It offers them a support system and enables them to be part of a like-minded community.

“By fostering a culture of respect and awareness throughout all levels of the organisati­on, we ensure that our members feel valued and supported, enhancing their well-being and creating a positive impact on the wider community.”

 ?? ?? Ally Brunton, SAYFC chairperso­n and vice chairperso­n Jillian Kennedy.
Ally Brunton, SAYFC chairperso­n and vice chairperso­n Jillian Kennedy.
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