Campbeltown Courier

That’s worth a party


Like many, my new year began with some serious tidying up.

My workshop was a mess. I couldn’t even get to the bench and, once there, the surface was obscured by half-done projects.

I admit it, I’m a hoarder – ever proud when some need or repair comes up and I find just the right thing squirrelle­d away. If I can find it, that is!

Order came to my chaotic workshop world. Imagine then my deflation when that night I discovered my wedding ring was gone. A day of dump runs and binning this and binning that; I didn’t hold much hope.

In the Bible, Jesus told the story of a lady who lost one of her 10 silver coins. She lit a lamp and swept throughout the house to find it. So happy with her find, she called her neighbours together for a party: “Rejoice with me!”

The moral of the story?

“I tell you, said Jesus, in the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents.”

We are continuall­y being bombarded on our news channels about humans at their worst – can humans change their ways? I believe we can.

How wonderful when people wake up, think differentl­y (repent) and treat others as they would be treated themselves. Neighbours to be loved as we love ourselves. What a change that brings on earth and we’re told – a party in heaven in celebratio­n.

Jesus came to change lives – a message still for today.

My ring? Well, it took three weeks but it was found – and yes, there was rejoicing in Campbeltow­n.

What was lost had been found.

Reverend Chris Holden, The Fishermen’s Mission.

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