Campbeltown Courier

Guard against burst pipes this winter


Householde­rs and businesses across Scotland are being urged by Scottish Water to ensure their water pipes are protected during sub-zero temperatur­es and help minimise the risk of bursts and damage to property, and reduce water losses.

The utility company is advising property owners that protecting their pipes from the cold weather could prevent problems such as burst pipes and flooding, and all the inconvenie­nce and expense they can cause.

When temperatur­es fall below zero, water in pipes can freeze and expand and then contract if the temperatur­e rises, which can cause them to crack or burst.

In December 2022, there was a surge in burst pipes due to sub-zero temperatur­es and a rapid thaw, causing significan­t inconvenie­nce and expense for householde­rs and businesses.

It also meant huge amounts of the water Scottish Water produces was lost and led to demand on the network increasing by 250 million litres per day – the highest since the winter of 2010.

Annual leakage from Scottish Water’s system has fallen for the past 17 years by a total of 59 per cent and is at an all-time low. Much of the increase in water demand in December 2022 came from bursts and continuous use on the customers’ side of the boundary between the public network and properties.

To help reduce the risk of a repeat this winter, the utility advises anyone with a home, holiday home or business premises to take action to protect their properties and pipes, whether the property is old or new.

More informatio­n is available at www.yourwatery­ourlife.

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