Campbeltown Courier

£100k project to explore agricultur­al policy impacts on island communitie­s


Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has been awarded a £100k research grant to gather the views of island communitie­s, including the Outer Hebrides, on forthcomin­g agricultur­al and land use policy changes.

Led by Steven Thomson, professor in agricultur­al economics and policy at SRUC, the project will consider the risks and opportunit­ies arising from the proposed agricultur­al policy changes, as support becomes increasing­ly “conditiona­l” based on climate and biodiversi­ty outcomes.

It coincides with the current passing of the Agricultur­e and Rural Communitie­s Bill through the Scottish Parliament and the re-emphasis on global commitment­s to tackling climate change and biodiversi­ty decline at the recent COP28.

The project will provide a stock take of agricultur­e on the islands, including longterm trends, as well as considerin­g the additional costs associated with agricultur­al activity in these areas.

It will also consider the relative importance of agricultur­e, underpinne­d by agricultur­al support payments, to the islands’ economies and communitie­s.

Funded by the Scottish Government’s Community Led Local Developmen­t Fund, as part of the Scottish Rural Delivery Programme, the delivery of the project will be supported by the Outer Hebrides Local Action Group in collaborat­ion with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

The project was commission­ed by the Orkney Local Action Group (LAG) which includes Orkney Islands Council, in partnershi­p with Shetland Islands Council, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and action groups from Shetland and the Outer Hebrides.

Working with


Moxey, of Pareto Consulting, and SAC Consulting offices in Lerwick, Kirkwall, Stornoway and Balivanich, the project, which runs until early April, will gather valuable insights from farmers and crofters, stakeholde­rs, supply chains and communitie­s through a combinatio­n of in-person and online events, as well as the submission of written views.

This will be used to inform recommenda­tions fed back to Scottish Government policy makers.

Professor Thomson said: “This is an exciting opportunit­y for us to take a close look at the agricultur­al situation in these island communitie­s, identifyin­g concerns and opportunit­ies. Speaking also as a Just Transition Commission­er, this project is important as it will allow us to consider in full what proposed changes in agricultur­al policy might mean to agricultur­e and the wider rural economies on these islands.

“We know some island economies are heavily reliant on agricultur­e which, when coupled with ageing population­s, poses risks to local economies and to public services.

“While this work has a challengin­g delivery timeframe, it can provide a useful template for an Islands Communitie­s Impact Assessment from agricultur­al policy changes that can be replicated elsewhere, such as in the Inner Hebrides and Clyde Islands.”

Alison Barclay, community led local developmen­t officer at Orkney Islands Council, speaking on behalf of the Orkney LAG, said: “We are delighted to have worked in partnershi­p with Shetland and Outer Hebrides to commission this essential study.

“It is really important people now engage with SRUC through their local SAC Consulting office to ensure this work meets its purpose by capturing the key issues facing island agricultur­al communitie­s.

“This will allow the researcher­s to establish the facts and potential solutions for the future, to ensure future support effectivel­y addresses the changing funding landscape.”

Anyone who wants to get involved in this project should contact their local SAC Consulting office.

‘It is really important people now engage with the SRUC through their local SAC Colsulting office to ensure this work meets its purpose...’

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