Campbeltown Courier

TEN YEARS AGO Friday January 17, 2014

Sisters to tackle Great Wall of China for cancer charity


Walking, cycling, distance running and swimming are just some of the challenges two Campbeltow­n sisters are set to face.

Mairi McKillop, 22, and Elaine McGeachy, 30, have set themselves a variety of challenges to raise funds for Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust and the Beatson Oncology Centre Fund during 2014.

These include MOKrun, MOKbike and MOKtri and the pair will take on their biggest challenge in October, trekking part of the Great Wall of China. They will be walking on some of the steepest, unrestored parts of the wall for a week, covering 15km per day in hot, humid conditions. Mairi said: “Our goal is to raise as much funds for our two chosen charities as we can.

“We’ve been overwhelme­d already by the support our friends, families and locals have given us. Sponsors are already coming through.”

Kicking off the fundraisin­g, Campbeltow­n’s Numero Dix Salon, where Mairi works, has been festooned in pink decoration­s for Cervical Cancer Prevention Week from January 19 to 25.

During the week, all the tips the hairdresse­rs at Numero Dix earn will go to the charity.

Mairi will also be running activities and competitio­ns. She said the aim was to encourage more women to get screened for the disease, adding: “I think a lot of young girls don’t want to get checked because it’s embarrassi­ng.

“I know girls who have had scares and treatment. It can be prevented. People need to be more aware of it.” Next Saturday, a coffee afternoon will take place in the Victoria Hall to raise funds for the charity. There will be a range of stalls and a raffle.

Mairi said: “We have both done charity fundraiser­s in the past and we know Kintyre people are extremely generous. Thank you to everyone who supports our events and our causes. It is very much appreciate­d and we are touched by everyone’s kindness.”

 ?? ?? 2014: Mairi McKillop, left, and Kerry Dickson from Numero Dix, who are supporting Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust.
2014: Mairi McKillop, left, and Kerry Dickson from Numero Dix, who are supporting Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust.

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