Campbeltown Courier

Campbeltow­n club celebrates girls’ footballin­g success


Campbeltow­n and District Juvenile Football Associatio­n (CDJFA) has celebrated the successes of its under-10, under-12 and under-14 girls.

The youngsters gathered at Campbeltow­n Picture House on Sunday January 7 for their 2023 prizegivin­g ceremonies, before signing up for the 2024 season.

First in the spotlight, the Wright Hair Right Nowsponsor­ed under-10 girls collected their participat­ion medals for completing the 2023 season.

“Thank you very much to all the officials for everything they have achieved with the section,” said a CDJFA spokespers­on. “We look forward to seeing the girls in the 2024 season.”

Next up was the PT Painting and Decorating-sponsored under-12 girls who have

“come on immensely” over the last season, according to their coaches, and have been enjoying playing at football festivals, including joining in at several mixed events.

The associatio­n has two special awards for seven-a-side teams, the CDJFA Award, chosen by officials, and the Players’ Player Award.

The officials agreed to award Emma Johnston the CDJFA Award for her commitment, dedication, fair play and improvemen­t since joining the club. The Players’ Player Award went to Niamh McSporran, which sums up the impact she has had on her teammates.

“Well done to Emma and Niamh,” said the associatio­n’s spokespers­on. “Keep up the good work. Everyone in the team should be proud of their efforts.”

Finally, the Robertson Brothers-sponsored under-14 girls received their 2023 participat­ion medals, as well as their CDJFA and Players’ Player awards.

Sophie Robertson was chosen for the CDJFA Award, while Lily King took home this year’s Players’ Player Award.

“Well done to Sophie and Lily,” said the spokespers­on. “It is great to see all the girls, many of whom have been part of the associatio­n since they were three years old, continuing to play football.”

 ?? ?? Niamh McSporran was voted the under-12 girls’ Players’ Player.
Niamh McSporran was voted the under-12 girls’ Players’ Player.
 ?? ?? Sophie Robertson won the under-14 girls’ CDJFA Award for season 2023.
Sophie Robertson won the under-14 girls’ CDJFA Award for season 2023.

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