Cambridge News

Scheme that would see flats on city estate demolished put under scrutiny


- By HANNAH BROWN Local democracy reporter @HannahBrow­n901

A PROJECT that could see a number of 1950s blocks of flats demolished to make way for new homes in Cambridge has taken a step forward.

Cambridge City Council is moving forward with its plans to redevelop the flats in Davy Road, which were described as being in a “poor” state.

However, concerns were raised that the replacemen­t housing proposed would not help address inequality in the city.

Officers told councillor­s at a housing scrutiny committee meeting this week (September 17) that the Davy Road estate had a “number of issues” due to the ageing buildings.

They said the blocks of flats would be “difficult to retrofit” to bring them to the standards that would be expected from a new build.

Therefore, the city council is proposing to demolish the blocks and build 90 homes, 45 of which would be council homes, in their place.

Officers said the council homes would be a mix of social rented homes, and homes offered at 60 per cent of market rent, and 80 per cent of market rent.

They added that there had been “extensive consultati­on” on the proposals, resulting in the redevelopm­ent being “narrowed down”.

Officers said they hoped the planning applicatio­n for the redevelopm­ent would be submitted later this year, or early next year.

Councillor Geri Bird (Labour), executive councillor for housing, said the existing flats were in a “poor” state, with many people reporting problems with damp, mould and condensati­on.

She said: “There are many people in need of a new home in the city and by redevelopi­ng we can significan­tly increase the number of homes on the site as we approach 3,000 people on our housing register. ”

However, Councillor Elliot Tong (Green Party) raised concerns that the redevelopm­ent could see the number of homes available at social rents reduced.

He said: “With the current proposals that are going forward we will see 32 properties for social rent be reduced to only five, which is a massive reduction in the amount of social rent properties available.

“We are seeing the problem of inequality in Cambridge get worse and worse, Cambridge is considered one of, if not the most, unequal city in the UK.

“Redevelopm­ents like this are not going to make life easier for working people.

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Cllr Gerri Bird
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Cllr Elliot Tong

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