Cambridge News

Overseas aid will prevent further migrant issues Things can only get worse under Starmer

- George Ginn Soham

THE last government had the appeal to stop the boats, the present government is calling to stop the criminal gangs.

Why not strive to prevent these desperate people migrating in the first place? It cannot be an easy choice to give up all you have worked for and leave your home, take what you can carry and use what savings you have and travel to a place and spend most of what you have for a place on an overcrowde­d flimsy boat in order to cross the channel, and hope, if you reach our shores, they may find asylum for themselves and family.

What is it that triggers them to make this desperate decision? It may be that the effect of climate change has the effect of no longer being able to provide for themselves.

Some years ago, there was a scheme set up to help poorer countries, called overseas aid.

The aim was for richer countries to help poorer countries in their need. And a suggested figure of 0.7 % was set and at least one country came up with 1%.

The money raised was distribute­d according to the different needs by an overseas committee.

But then our country decided to cut the target to 0.5% which represente­d a £4 billion loss.

Not only that but the overseas committee was disbanded and the distributi­on put in the hands of the Foreign Office, who would give money only to those countries that bring benefit to us rather than to those with the greatest need.

Let us find out the reasons why these people give up all and venture out on these very terrible journeys and are branded illegal migrants.

Let us try to stop the migrants by helping them where they are so they can stay where they. Instead of spending money on asylum seekers here, let us consider giving more on overseas aid 1% plus.

THE Prime Minister has just said “There is a Budget coming in October and it is going to be painful” – code for vicious tax hikes.

During the election Starmer said he “rejects the argument” tax rises are required to rebuild public services and said taxes would not rise. It seems it was all a lie.

Also during the election, Rachel Reeves vowed: “There is nothing in our plans that requires any further increases in taxes, I have confidence in that. Voters can have confidence.”

It seems those who had confidence in what she said were duped.

Two Tier Keir has now admitted that things ‘will get worse’ under his

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