Cambridge News

Khan: London will ‘carry on’ with Taylor concerts


LONDON Mayor Sadiq Khan says the UK’s capital will “carry on” with hosting Taylor Swift concerts at Wembley this month.

Earlier, policing minister Diana Johnson said Scotland Yard will look at “all the intelligen­ce” ahead of Swift’s five dates at London’s Wembley Stadium between Thursday, August 15 and Tuesday, August 20.

Mr Khan told Sky News on Thursday that London is

“looking forward to welcoming Taylor Swift back” as the capital is “an internatio­nal city” that regularly hosts major events.

He added: “We have a huge amount of experience in policing these events, we’re never complacent, many lessons were learned after the awful Manchester Arena attack.

“The police work closely, not just with City Hall, but with councils, but also with those who host concerts, like the

we’ve seen before. “We are de devastated that we won’t get the opportunit­y to see her, ticket scalpers are selling tickets for thousands each for Wembley and it’s just too much for us.

“We are very glad everyone is safe but it’s also shaken us up about going to a concert again which is so sad as we love music and seeing concerts.”

Beth said she had spent extra money on outfits for what was supposed to be “a really special time” for her and her husband, whom she married five weeks ago.

Taylor Swift concert coming up over the next couple of weeks.”

He added: “I’m sure Vienna has got its own reasons to cancel the Taylor Swift concerts, we’re going to carry on, working closely with police (and) ensuring that the Taylor Swift concerts can take place in London safely.”

A spokesman for the Metropolit­an Police said: “London plays host to a significan­t number of very highnever (Swift) profile events each year with millions of visitors having a safe and enjoyable experience.

“The Met works closely with venue security teams and other partners to ensure there are appropriat­e security and policing plans in place.

“There is nothing to indicate that the matters being investigat­ed by the

Austrian authoritie­s will have an

 ?? BETH GARRISON-TURNER ?? Beth Garrison-Turner, who, along with her husband Tom, was set to travel to Vienna
BETH GARRISON-TURNER Beth Garrison-Turner, who, along with her husband Tom, was set to travel to Vienna
 ?? VICTORIA JONES ?? London Mayor Sadiq Khan
VICTORIA JONES London Mayor Sadiq Khan
 ?? IAN WEST/PA WIRE ?? attack fro Inte Affa “ye ho se se ch
IAN WEST/PA WIRE attack fro Inte Affa “ye ho se se ch

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