Cambridge News

Plan for railway line is a ‘crime against nature’

- Sue Everett

ON behalf of The Countrysid­e Regenerati­on Trust (CRT) I write with deep concern regarding your plans to construct a railway line across nature-rich farmland at Lark Rise Farm in Cambridges­hire. We believe this is a crime against the countrysid­e.

Your preferred route cuts directly through an area of regenerati­vely farmed arable land known as Westfield and crosses the Bourn Brook – a river that’s home to water voles and otters. These plans will destroy farmland effectivel­y managed as an agricultur­al ‘nature reserve’ for specialist farmland birds and other endangered species for the past 24 years.

We strongly feel an attempt to identify the type and extent of nature on the farmland through your various ecological surveys has proved entirely inadequate. To date, we know three EWR surveys have been carried out on the land for Habitat and Hedgerow, Bat Tree Assessment, and Kingfisher, Otter and Water Voles.

Although you contacted the CRT numerous times last year, requesting to undertake ecological surveys, we have only received a sub-set of results, yet we were promised the reports as part of the agreement. The partial release of data only happened in April 2024, over six months after the surveys were done, and only because you requested access again to undertake cultural heritage surveys.

We are extremely concerned about the quality of these surveys. The Kingfisher, Otter, and Water Voles survey failed to look at the major watercours­e where these species predominan­tly are, and instead concentrat­ed on a small, insignific­ant dried-up old river channel 100 metres away from the river. Ironically, despite this oversight, evidence of otters using the area as a resting area was recorded, but a greater amount of relevant informatio­n would have been gathered from surveying the Bourn Brook itself.

We want to know why you chose to ignore the main river when your plans clearly include the constructi­on of a high rail bridge directly over it.

Another survey, the Bat Tree Assessment, has conflictin­g data. It states every tree has a bat roost in it, despite there being limited or no potential for roosting sites on most trees surveyed by EWR ecologists. While it would be wonderful to have this number of roosts at Westfield, we know from our own assessment­s this is not the case. This misinforma­tion casts a shadow of doubt over the accuracy of all your ecological data from Westfield, and potentiall­y other sites too.

We invite you to meet directly with our conservati­on team to help you gain a better understand­ing of why Westfield is such an oasis for wildlife, including Red Listed farmland birds such as yellowhamm­er, lapwing, skylark, and grey partridge, but also mammals like brown hare, badger, various bat species and water vole.

We would also be delighted to share our extensive data from years of wildlife assessment at the site. These include breeding bird surveys, winter bird counts, otter and water vole surveys, butterfly surveys and knowledge of rare arable plants.

You say you will create ecological compensati­on sites but many of the species using the land at Westfield will not benefit from these. Farmland birds, for example, need open fields to thrive, as well as access to suitable foods, some of which are a by-product of specific agricultur­al activity.

More than ever before, we need to ensure farmland allows wildlife to flourish and Westfield has been farmed in a way that helps regenerate habitats for critically endangered species that have been in decline for decades. We estimate your proposed railway line will make 50-60 acres of Westfield’s 120acres unsuitable for wildlife or agricultur­e, but the impact of its implementa­tion will be greater, leaving very little of Westfield’s remaining land sustainabl­e for nature or farming activities. It’s important to consider that it’s not just the footprint of the railway line itself but all the surroundin­g land used during the constructi­on, or converted into mitigation features, that will have a lasting negative impact.

Some bird species, such as grey partridge and corn bunting are present at low levels but require a large area of suitable habitat. Reducing the population from 2-3 pairs to 1-2 pairs will threaten the chance of these species maintainin­g viable long-term population­s and increase the chances of them becoming locally extinct.

The route will also cut through the CRT’s Butterfly Transect, which means the survey would end after a run of over 20 years, during which it has contribute­d data to an important national scheme that assesses population­s throughout the country. We have even recorded white-letter hairstreak butterflie­s on this transect, a species that is protected under Schedule 5 of the 1981 Wildlife and Countrysid­e Act and is recognised by the Biodiversi­ty Action Plan as under threat.

At a time when the UK Government is demanding farmers do more to protect and restore the countrysid­e to meet its globally important environmen­tal pledges, destroying farmland that is already achieving so much for the countrysid­e is a huge mistake. We believe you must recognise the true value of Westfield by engaging in meaningful dialogue with our conservati­on experts to understand the importance of this regenerati­vely managed farmland.

We also stand with the other organisati­ons, such as Cambridge

Approaches, Caldecote EWR Action Group and BFARe, in our combined objections to this developmen­t that will destroy much-loved homes and carefully managed wildlife habitats. As custodians of Westfield, it is our responsibi­lity to protect and nurture our natural heritage for future generation­s and ensure that two decades of hard work restoring the land for the benefit of the natural world is not lost.

We believe you must reconsider the previously proposed northern route, which affects fewer wildlife sites and will have less impact on nature recovery, honouring your stated commitment to environmen­tal preservati­on.

These plans will destroy farmland effectivel­y managed as an agricultur­al ‘nature reserve’.

Sue Everett

Chair of the Board of Trustees, The Countrysid­e Regenerati­on Trust

 ?? ?? A happy bee amid the foxgloves, taken by Sue Marrah
A happy bee amid the foxgloves, taken by Sue Marrah

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