Cambridge News

Economy will be a disaster under Labour control


SO, the general election has been called, amusingly, on the independen­ce day of the USA.

There are two things of which we can be certain. Firstly, we shall be voting into office a government which nobody really wants. Secondly, we can be sure that, if the winner is the Labour Party, our country faces five years of economic disaster which always happens when Labour is in power.

Every Labour government since the end of the Second World War has left office with our economy in ruins.

It has been reported that our country’s economy is currently growing more quickly than those of Germany and the USA and that inflation has returned to normal. I hope that the people of this country will take note of those facts and realise that continuing to vote in a

Conservati­ve government cannot possibly be worse than voting to elect Labour. but it is the BOE who by holding up interest rates have helped stabilise spending and thus forced a smaller increase in product prices. So who do we vote for?

For the first time in nearly 60 years of voting I will be voting Labour, although I have yet to be convinced Keir Starmer has the breadth of experience to come up with a plan that will definitely move us forward.

However, I cannot risk another 14 years of Tory bamboozlin­g.

I would not vote for any party that involves Farage ideology and it should be noted that his parties have been all bar talk and no real achievemen­ts.

My normal party the Lib Dems are not coming up with strong economic plans and are weak in urban areas.

If you want to make a protest vote I suggest voting for the Green Party otherwise we have to give Labour a chance.

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