Cambridge News

Weird and wonderful events for half-term


- By NIAMH DANN @DannNiamh

A BELOVED National Trust estate is hosting a pop up experience this May half-term where families can get up close to some of the incredible creatures that live in our natural world.

Anglesey Abbey, in the village of Lode, five miles from Cambridge, is one of the National Trust’s most impressive estates in Cambridges­hire.

A Jacobean-style house full of rich history, it is also surrounded by 98 acres of peaceful gardens.

Visitors to the estate spend hours walking through the gardens admiring its impressive herbaceous border, rose garden, formal garden and dahlia garden. Around each corner is a new surprise, including a working watermill.

Between Wednesday (May 29) and Friday (May 31) visitors can meet creatures including snakes, snails and spiders, in an event run by ZooLab, which ensures animals are never harmed or stressed during their presentati­ons.

“For many years, ZooLab has played an important part in educating audiences about animals and the natural world,” a statement reads. “Now more than ever, the team is committed to making a real difference – helping to change attitudes and highlighti­ng what we need to do to protect the environmen­t from the effects of climate change.”

Meanwhile, the Weird Woodland Trail runs until Friday (May 31).

A spokespers­on for the National Trust said: “A spell has been cast over the woods at Anglesey Abbey, and some of the animals seem to have swapped their features around.

“As you set off down the winding path, you might encounter a frog with tarantula legs, or perhaps a millipede-snake!”

The trail is included in the ZooLab show tickets or can be purchased separately for £3 per child upon arrival at the visitor centre.

Each ticketed session of the ZooLab animal experience costs £15 per child and lasts 45 minutes.

The ticket includes a complement­ary adult ticket and the woodland trail pack too. For informatio­n go to nationaltr­ust. org. uk/ visit/ cambridges­hire/ anglesey- abbey- gardens-and-lode-mill.

 ?? NATIONAL TRUST / PAUL HARRIS ?? ZooLab ethical animal encounters at Anglesey Abbey
NATIONAL TRUST / PAUL HARRIS ZooLab ethical animal encounters at Anglesey Abbey

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