Cambridge News

Tench are proving to be catch of the day on lakes


THE past week has seen tench to be featuring in anglers’ catches more and more.

At the Biggleswad­e & Hitchin Angling Associatio­n’ Swan Lake, Karl Franklin was in pursuit of the large bream that are present but was equally pleased when his bait was picked up by a super 7lb 14oz tench.

Later in the day, he went on to catch a small bream plus another good-sized tench weighing 4lb 11oz. He was employing a small method feeder to attract fish to his bait.

Julian Peacock was ecstatic to catch yet another 7lb 14oz tench as it represente­d a new personal best for him.

Mick Rosendale enjoyed another productive session carp fishing at McGregor Lake catching four mirror carp weighing between 17lb 10oz and 20lb 12oz and an 18lb 4oz common.

He was equally pleased to catch a 6lb 1oz tench as they are heavily outnumbere­d by the number of carp stocked into the lake.

Clive Day decided to have a break from his usual pursuit of carp and he caught a lovely conditione­d 6lb tench. A member, Glenn, caught yet another super tench, this time a 7lb 10oz specimen.

Inonut Cires opted for zig rigs on a recent visit to Gingerbrea­d Lake where he caught both mirror and common carp using this tactic.

The tracks to the rear of McGregor Lake and along the northern bank of Swan Lake have been repaired allowing vehicular access to swims previously accessible only on foot.

Several persons on the waiting list to join the Associatio­n were contacted by the Membership Secretary by e-mail but, so far, have not responded to offers of membership.

It could be that the e-mails have gone into the recipients’ spam folders so they are asked to check that this has not happened to avoid losing the opportunit­y to join.

Finally, an item of fishing tackle was left behind by someone fishing at Gingerbrea­d Lake. If anyone has lost an item of tackle at the lake recently, please contact one of the club’s officials who will be able to help reunite you with it.

 ?? ?? A 7lb 14oz tench caught by Julian Peacock from Swan Lake
A 7lb 14oz tench caught by Julian Peacock from Swan Lake
 ?? ?? A 7lb 10oz tench caught by a member from McGregor Lake
A 7lb 10oz tench caught by a member from McGregor Lake

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