Cambridge News

Students hope butterfly show will spark climate conversati­on

- By SAM RUSSELL, PA @CambsLive

SCHOOLCHIL­DREN have helped to craft hundreds of paper butterflie­s that are on display around a museum in a bid to spark conversati­on about the climate crisis.

Pupils were inspired to create the art installati­on, called The Butterfly Effect, after learning that butterflie­s act as an early warning sign of changes in the environmen­t.

The butterflie­s, at Cambridge University’s Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, are on show alongside cardboard protest banners.

One of them reads “This is our planet let’s fight 4 it”, while another – held by a 13-foot-tall iguanodon dinosaur skeleton at the museum – says “Life is in the balance”.

Artist Hilary Cox Condron worked with children, aged from 11 to 16, from Parkside Community College in Cambridge on the project.

Students attended after-school workshops in their free time as part of the project, which began last November, including the history of collecting climate data and how fossil evidence can show changing climates. Nicola Skipper, Sedgwick Museum education coordinato­r, who led the project, said: “It’s been a real joy working with the he students from Parkside side and they’ve ’ve created some striking t iki artistry for visitors to experience amongst our collection.

“The Sedgwick Museum has rocks and fo fossils that sh show over 1,70 1,700 million years of global climate change ch and its vital young you people engage with ith th the climate l crisis. “This programme was created to connect the upcoming generation with our world-leading climate scientists and to give the students a space and voice within the museum.

“It’s been wonderful to see them respond to it so enthusiast­ically and creatively.”

Dr Richard Fox, head of science at Butterfly Conservati­on, said: “Butterflie­s are indicators of a healthy natural environmen­t and can indeed flag early warning signs of environmen­tal issues.

“With half of Britain’s butterfly species already threatened or near threatened with extinction, it’s never been more important to understand how our insects are responding to the changing climate and take action to protect them so that they can keep informing us of the wider health of the environmen­t.”

He urged people to take part in the charity’s annual citizen science project, the Big Butterfly Count, from July 12 to August 4.

“The data collected by people all across the UK gives us valuable insight into how our butterflie­s are faring, what’s happening in nature, and how we can help to protect them,” said Dr Fox.

“With climate change here to stay, we need people to take part more than ever this year.”

 ?? CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ?? Paper butterflie­s crafted by schoolchil­dren, displayed around the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Paper butterflie­s crafted by schoolchil­dren, displayed around the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences
 ?? CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ?? Pupils at Parkside Community College in Cambridge, who worked alongside artist Hilary Cox Condron
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Pupils at Parkside Community College in Cambridge, who worked alongside artist Hilary Cox Condron
 ?? ?? A cardboard protest banner, crafted by schoolchil­dren
A cardboard protest banner, crafted by schoolchil­dren
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