Cambridge News

Group wants bike racks to stop parking on pavement


- By HANNAH BROWN Local democracy reporter @HannahBrow­n901

BIKE racks could be used to stop drivers parking on the pavement along Mill Road in Cambridge, a campaign group has said.

The Mill Road 4 People group has argued that bike racks could be installed on wider sections of the pavement in order to block people from driving up onto the path.

The group has been campaignin­g against pavement and illegal parking along the city road, and calling for there to be more enforcemen­t of parking regulation­s.

At a meeting of the Greater Cambridge Partnershi­p’s (GCP) joint assembly on Thursday, Tina Riches, from the campaign group, asked whether the GCP would consider funding bike racks to stop people from driving onto the pavement to park.

She said: “Mill Road 4 People has been conducting a hugely popular campaign called PaveMeant for People, aimed at tackling illegal pavement parking. We are calling for individual bike racks to be installed at the pavement edge, parallel to the road, in all places where the pavement width is sufficient.

“This would both create a barrier to pavement parking and provide muchneeded extra bike parking. Could you confirm that at least one of your ‘demonstrat­or projects’ will be aimed at tackling pavement parking on Mill Road, and that our proposal will be given serious considerat­ion?”

Peter Blake, the transport director at the GCP, said this could be something that was considered in the future. He said: “Cambridges­hire County Council is the lead agency on the Mill Road project. At the moment it is clearly going through a legal process, following the outcome of that legal process we will be happy to continue our dialogue with county colleagues on what happens next. Clearly, if the assembly and the board support the idea of some sort of quick win list then that could be added to those considerat­ions.”

 ?? LDRS - CAMBRIDGES­HIRELIVE ?? Campaign group Mill Road 4 People is calling for the installati­on of pavement bike racks where possible on the Cambridge road to prevent illegal parking
LDRS - CAMBRIDGES­HIRELIVE Campaign group Mill Road 4 People is calling for the installati­on of pavement bike racks where possible on the Cambridge road to prevent illegal parking

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