Cambridge News

Protesters stop meeting calling for immediate ceasefire in Gaza


- By HANNAH BROWN Local democracy reporter @HannahBrow­n901

PROTESTERS disrupted a council budget meeting on Thursday evening (February 15) as they urged Cambridge City Council to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

The city council meeting was adjourned after members of the public began to chant “ceasefire now”, preventing the meeting from continuing.

A number of public questions had been submitted to the authority relating to the Gaza conflict. Representa­tives from the Cambridge Young Greens raised the conflict, as did two campaign groups.

Zareen Taj Islam, secretary of Cambridge Stop the War Coalition, called on the city council to fly the Palestinia­n flag above the Guildhall.

Holding up the Palestinia­n flag to the council, she said: “We are asking for a very simple thing, for the flag to be flown at Guildhall to show solidarity with the people being murdered right now.”

Averil Parkinson, from the group Cambridge Palestine Solidarity Campaign, asked the city council to call for an “immediate and permanent ceasefire”.

Councillor Mike Davey (Labour), leader of the city council, said the city council was “horrified” by the events that had taken place in Palestine and Israel since October 7. He said the Labour group had “stood in solidarity with innocent civilians from both Israel and Palestine” and had called for an immediate ceasefire back in December.

Cllr Davey said his group had also written to the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, and the leader of the opposition, Sir Keir Starmer, asking for them to call for an immediate ceasefire.

The Mayor, Councillor Jenny Gawthrope Wood (Labour), had also said she reiterated her calls for an immediate ceasefire and return of the hostages in her opening announceme­nts at the start of the meeting.

However, Cllr Davey said the city council would not fly the Palestine flag above the Guildhall.

He said: “We represent all people within this city and as such we will not be flying the Palestinia­n flag, just as we did not fly the Israel flag after the events of October 7. We believe we have to demonstrat­e to all members of this city our commitment to all communitie­s, regardless of how our sympathies may or may not lie.

“Because we have a greater responsibi­lit responsibi­lity to the cit city as a whole, hole that is why we will not be flying the flag, despite recognitio­n of the enormous loss of life that has been taking place in Gaza and the West Bank.”

Campaigner­s said they wanted the whole council to call for a ceasefire, and not just one party. They then began to chant “ceasefire now” and refused to allow the meeting to continue despite requests for quiet from the Mayor. The meeting was adjourned for around 40 minutes due to the disruption.

When the meeting started up again, Cllr Davey said an agreement had been reached to allow representa­tives of the two campaign groups to have another chance to speak.

He said the leaders of the Liberal Democrat group and the Green Party group at the city council would also then make a statement.

Councillor Tim Bick, leader of the Liberal Democrat group at the city council, said: “My group was not asked about our view on a ceasefire, we would support a ceasefire if asked. We are individual­ly and collective­ly moved and outraged by the plight of the people in the Middle East; the violence and injustice, the indignitie­s, the oppression being meted out on innocent people.

“My party in Parliament is led on this subject by the only British MP of Palestinia­n origin, whose family still live in Gaza. I am happy to give my view, as I have, and for my group to, [but] I have to say though I feel that our primary role as a local council is not about internatio­nal diplomacy.”

Councillor Naomi Bennett, leader of the Green Party group at the city council, said: “The Green Party has united stance on this nationally, that stance has been specifical­ly endorsed by the National Jewish Greens group. We stand for ceasefire, we stand against atrocities and acts of war on all sides, that stance is not going to change.

“I think people know my family is of Jewish origin and was affected by the Holocaust. My uncles would encourage me to pick a portable possession in case I had to run for my life. My parents always kept a suitcase packed in the hall. I sometimes wondered what I would do in another genocide, but I never thought I would be sitting in a budget meeting.”

After the speeches were made the meeting continued without any further interrupti­ons.

 ?? ?? Zareen Taj Islam, secretary of Cambridge Stop the War Coalition, speaking at Cambridge City Council
Councillor Mike Davey, leader of the city council, speaking at the meeting on Thursday
Zareen Taj Islam, secretary of Cambridge Stop the War Coalition, speaking at Cambridge City Council Councillor Mike Davey, leader of the city council, speaking at the meeting on Thursday
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