Cambridge News

Survey says CJS is not providing best service


THE criminal justice system is not providing the highest quality service to many victims, and does not always invest the time and attention needed in cases, a new report has found.

A combinatio­n of competing demands, high workloads, poor communicat­ion and lack of experience were contributi­ng to victims not always receiving the best service, a report by His Majesty’s Inspectora­te of Constabula­ry and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS), His Majesty’s Crown Prosecutio­n Service Inspectora­te (HMCPSI) and His Majesty’s Inspectora­te of Probation (HMI Probation) found.

Their joint investigat­ion, Meeting the Needs of Victims in the Criminal Justice System, assessed whether the police, Crown Prosecutio­n Service (CPS) and Probation Service understand what victims need, if they meet those needs and if they provide a good service.

It said that rather than trying to meet the individual needs of victims, the police, CPS and Probation Service focused more on whether they were complying with the Victims’ Code.

In some cases, where victims’ rights had been met, the report said this was a “box-ticking” exercise with no evidence of the quality of the support.

Police officers and supervisor­s in interviews and focus groups told the inspectora­tes workloads were too high.

Officers also told of how the standard of investigat­ion had suffered because of high demand.

And on some occasions, victims had been “asked to carry out their own inquiries when reporting crimes” such as asking neighbours whether there were witnesses to the incident or if they had CCTV evidence from home security cameras.

The inspectora­tes also heard about some positive practices, including victims’ hubs that provide tailored support to victims, and online portals to access informatio­n about cases.

Inspectors said these initiative­s have the potential to improve the experience of all victims, but often they are developed in isolation at a local level.


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