Cambridge News

‘He was incredibly lucky’: Luke helps save driver as car plunges into water



A HERO lorry driver helped save the life of a motorist whose car plunged into a freezing water-filled ditch.

Luke Wagner, 26, was driving his HGV when he saw a silver car skid off an icy road and plunge down a bank into the ditch.

He brought his lorry to a stop and dash down the embankment and helped pull the shocked driver from the huge ditch, known locally as a drain.

The incident in March, Cambridges­hire, was caught on his lorry’s dashcam last Wednesday (January 10).

Luke said: “I was driving along when I saw a silver car approachin­g from the opposite side of the road before it suddenly jolted and swerved in front of me, hitting the bank and flying into the river.

“With the roads so icy it was obvious it had hit a patch of black ice and my heart stopped.

“So I brought the truck to a stop as quickly as I could and rushed out to the bank where the car was rapidly sinking.

“But before I could jump in, the driver popped out of the water and I shouted to him to ask if anyone else was inside.

“He was in a daze but eventually said ‘no’ and I asked if he could swim to which he said ‘yes’.

“I climbed down the bank anyway and reached out to him.”

At this point, several others had turned up at the scene and gathered to help, with one providing a rope to throw down to the man.

Luke added: “The water was so cold and we all risked getting hypothermi­a if we went in.

“Fortunatel­y we all managed to heave him out and by this time his car had sunk completely beneath the water.

“We later found out that his window had smashed when the car impacted the water and I think he was incredibly lucky that happened otherwise he would’ve had a much harder time getting out.”

The group got the man on to the road where he was shaking from shock, dripping wet and suffering from cuts to the head.

As they waited for an ambulance to arrive, they covered him in dry clothing and put him in a warm van to raise his temperatur­e.

Luke, who works for the Norfolk-based Anglian Plant, had also passed another car just before the incident which was on its roof in a ditch along the road.

He had initially stopped to see if they needed help, and later found out it had been the man’s daughter.

While the motorist was being cared for, another approachin­g car hit a patch of black ice and skidded out of control, crashing into a Mini belonging to one of the helpers.

A nearby Nissan Juke was also hit and spun around. Once again, the team rushed to pull a woman to safety and the emergency services soon arrived.

Luke said after the incident: “That morning had been a disaster on the Fen roads.

“The police told me they had been inundated with calls and I’m just glad everyone was able to walk away alive.

“I think it was a matter of being in the right place at the right time and being an HGV driver. We have a profession­al duty of care on the road.”

I think it was a matter

of being in the right place at the right time and being an HGV driver.

Luke Wagner

SWNS ?? Lorry driver Luke Wagner, who rescued a man after his car skidded into freezing water in a ditch
PHOTOS: JOE PATERSON/ SWNS Lorry driver Luke Wagner, who rescued a man after his car skidded into freezing water in a ditch
 ?? ?? Luke seen from his lorry’s dashcam preparing to go into the ditch to save the driver
Luke seen from his lorry’s dashcam preparing to go into the ditch to save the driver
 ?? ?? The car, seen from Luke’s dashcam, starts to sink
The car, seen from Luke’s dashcam, starts to sink
 ?? ?? The driver is brought back to the road by Luke Wagner and others at the scene
The driver is brought back to the road by Luke Wagner and others at the scene
 ?? ?? Luke and others drag the man out of the water
Luke and others drag the man out of the water
 ?? ??
 ?? ??

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