Cambridge News

Trailblaze­r’s life celebrated across the political divide



CURRENT and former politician­s attended a service of thanksgivi­ng for the life and work of Baroness Betty Boothroyd, the trailblazi­ng ex-speaker of the Commons who died last February, aged 93.

Her funeral took place at a 12th century church in Thriplow, the Cambridges­hire village she called home in her later years, a month later.

She was the first and, so far, only woman to be elected to the role of speaker.

A thanksgivi­ng service was held on Tuesday (January 16) at St Margaret’s Church in Westminste­r, central London, to mark her contributi­on to public life.

The church is only metres from the Houses of Parliament where Lady Boothroyd made her name during a decades-long politics career.

A current crop of parliament­arians attended the service, including Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and Conservati­ve Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt.

Sarah Brown, wife of former prime minister Gordon Brown, former foreign secretary Lord David Owen and former chancellor Lord Philip Hammond attended, as did former independen­t MP Martin Bell and Ukip leader Neil Hamilton and his wife Christine.

Lady Boothroyd, a former Labour MP, shattered more than 700 years of parliament­ary tradition when she became the first woman to be elected speaker in April 1992, staying on until October 2000.

She then entered the Lords as a crossbench peer in January 2001.

Born to mill worker parents in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, in 1929, Lady Boothroyd was a profession­al dancer from 1946 to 1948 and appeared in pantomime in London’s West End before going into politics.

She unsuccessf­ully contested four parliament­ary seats before being elected to West Bromwich (later to become West Bromwich West) in May 1973, serving as an MP for 27 years before starting her career in the Lords.

After her funeral in March 2023, Sir Lindsay told PA news agency he would remember Lady Boothroyd “not only as a friend, but an inspiratio­n”.

“She smashed that glass ceiling to smithereen­s. She became the first and only woman speaker we’ve ever had,” he said.

“She is one of the greatest speakers ever known. One of the greatest women that I can honestly say that I have known.

“I will always be in awe and always thank her for her kindness and her advice.”

Items from Lady Boothroyd’s estate are due to go under the hammer at Special Auction Services in Newbury, Berkshire, next Tuesday (January 23) to raise money for six charities.

The items up for auction – estimated to fetch £200,000 – include a large, certificat­ed diamond solitaire ring, photograph­s, her collection of frogs and a Frances Segelman resin bust of Lady Boothroyd.

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 ?? PHOTOS: STEFAN ROUSSEAU/PA WIRE ?? Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer leaving the Service of Thanksgivi­ng for the life and work of Betty Boothroyd at St Margaret’s Church in central London
PHOTOS: STEFAN ROUSSEAU/PA WIRE Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer leaving the Service of Thanksgivi­ng for the life and work of Betty Boothroyd at St Margaret’s Church in central London
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Lord and Lady Owen arrive at the service
Lord and Lady Owen arrive at the service
 ?? ?? Penny Mordaunt leaving the service
Penny Mordaunt leaving the service
 ?? ?? Baroness Betty Boothroyd
Baroness Betty Boothroyd

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