Burton Mail

‘Is a fairer voting system now needed?’

- Barrie Roberts

IN the aftermath, or bloodbath of the General Election, then I feel it is fair to point out that a country gets the Government it deserves.

The Conservati­ves should not be “crying into their beer” as they have had 14 years to deliver the promises to the electorate and “crocodile tears” will fool no one. Once again, their selfdestru­ct button has been pressed.

Margaret Thatcher won three elections, but she could not defeat her own colleagues and was ousted.

They got rid of Boris Johnson who, despite his faults, earned them a huge majority at the previous election.

Once again he was ousted and replaced by an honourable man that fell a little short in the charisma stakes.

People fear change of any sort, but often change can be a force for good.

Only time will tell if Sir Keir Starmer can deliver in Government what he promised in opposition. However, that can be said for every incoming government.

On the subject of change, while I have always favoured the “first past the post system”, now might be a good moment to change to proportion­al representa­tion.

How can it be fair that Reform have five MPS with four million votes and the Lib Dems get 71 MPS on 3.5 million votes?

With Mr Farage (clearly the best debater in British politics) in the House

of Commons, then anything is possible and Sir Keir will at least be kept on his toes. I am sure he will get a sterner test than that provided by Neil Kinnock when Mrs Thatcher was at the helm.

Is it the triumph of hope of experience to expect an elected House of Lords too, instead of an old boys club where failed politician­s and others are put out to grass.

 ?? ?? Letter writer Barrie Roberts cites the number of seats and votes won by Reform and the Liberal Democrats in arguing for an end to the ‘first past the post’ system of voting in favour of proportion­al representa­tion.
Letter writer Barrie Roberts cites the number of seats and votes won by Reform and the Liberal Democrats in arguing for an end to the ‘first past the post’ system of voting in favour of proportion­al representa­tion.

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