Burton Mail

Record result for Lib Dems


INCOMING Liberal Democrat MPS have taken a record number of seats for the party in the General Election.

Sir Ed Davey’s party has ousted four Cabinet ministers and denied the Tories success in constituen­cies once held by former prime ministers Lord Cameron, Lady May and Boris Johnson.

With 641 results declared, the

Lib Dems’ tally stood at 71, beating the party’s previous record of 62 under Charles Kennedy’s leadership in 2005.

It far exceeds the party’s result at the last general election in 2019, when it secured 11 seats.

Set to take their seats on opposition benches as the UK’S third largest party – a position the Lib Dems have not held since 2015, missing out to the SNP – Sir Ed told voters his MPS “will now work hard to keep that trust with a focus on the issues that matter most to them, most of all the NHS and care”.

The party leader added: “This is a record-breaking night for the Liberal Democrats. We have swept to victory in seats from Land’s End to John O’ Groats.

“I am humbled by the trust that millions of people across the country have put in us.”

Speaking at Lib Dem headquarte­rs in central London, Sir Ed said his party’s first campaign will be “for an emergency budget for health and care”.

He added: “Every Liberal Democrat MP will be the voice for carers and we are going to make sure your voice is heard like never before.”

Asked by journalist­s if his party can have any influence over a Labour Government with such a large majority, he said: “Yes, we’ve got the best ideas, we have the most ambitious programme.

“The Conservati­ves have left the country in a mess and it will take some time.”

He earlier celebrated his party’s vote at an election party, dancing and singing to Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline.

On the campaign trail, Sir Ed toured the country in his party’s battle bus, named Yellow Hammer 1, at one point touring 1,343 miles from Great Britain’s southweste­rnmost corner in Cornwall to its northeaste­rn-most in the Scottish Highlands.

Among the biggest blows which his party inflicted on the Conservati­ves was in Cheltenham, Gloucester­shire, where Max Wilkinson won against Justice Secretary Alex Chalk.

Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer became a casualty to the Liberal Democrat candidate Charlotte Cane.

Henley and Thame, Maidenhead and Witney are also now Liberal Democrat seats.

One seat the Liberal Democrats failed to clinch was Godalming and Ash, where party sources suggested victory over Chancellor Jeremy Hunt would be “quite the moment”.

 ?? ?? Leader of the Liberal Democrats Sir Ed Davey
Leader of the Liberal Democrats Sir Ed Davey

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