Burton Mail

Marvellous reading challenge!


- By JOSEPH RICHARDS joseph.richards@reachplc.com

CHILDREN in North West Leicesters­hire are being encouraged to take part in this summer’s reading challenge.

Running from Saturday, July 6 to Saturday, September 7, youngsters aged between 4 and 11 are being urged to get creative.

This year’s theme, ‘Marvellous Makers,’ aims to spark children’s imaginatio­ns and motivate them to read whatever makes them happy – and to have fun while they do it.

This could include library books, ebooks and eaudiobook­s or having a story read to them.

The free challenge is held every year across the country and is available in both Leicesters­hire County Council’s libraries and communitym­anaged libraries, encouragin­g children to read books and collect rewards in the process.

Franne Wills, Head of Communitie­s and Wellbeing at Leicesters­hire County Council, said: “Each year the Summer Reading Challenge plays a significan­t role in encouragin­g young children to read for pleasure.

“During the summer holidays it’s easy for a child’s reading and developmen­t to pause as they are not following their usual routine of being in school every day. The challenge helps children to keep up with reading which is central to building a range of key life skills and aids positive mental health.

“There are also lots of fun challenges and activities to get involved with and the rewards are great.”

For reading six books and visiting a library three times, children will receive a certificat­e and a wooden medal for completing the challenge.

Young people taking part can set their own reading targets and collect rewards as they work their way through their chosen books over the summer holidays.

Anyone unable to visit a library can take part in the digital challenge online.

Last year more than 250,000 children’s books and over 13,000 ebooks/audiobooks were issued as part of the challenge.

A range of events will be held at libraries across the county during the challenge and local libraries will have full details of the events as well as the libraries Facebook page, visit www.facebook.com/yourlibrar­y/.

Children taking part in the challenge can also receive free entry to Bosworth Battlefiel­d Heritage Centre, as well as the 1620s House and Garden at Donington le Heath.

Children can sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge at any time throughout the summer at any Leicesters­hire library or online at summerread­ingchallen­ge.org.uk/ and www.leicesters­hire.gov.uk/ summer-reading-challenge.


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