Burton Mail

Plans to replace closed restaurant with retail block


- By MAIL REPORTER editorial@burtonmail.co.uk

PLANS to demolish a former restaurant and replace it with a modern retail block on the outskirts of a village are set for approval.

The project, submitted by Midbrook Commercial Developmen­ts, would see the former Mandarin Chinese restaurant in Egginton Road, Hilton, demolished and replaced.

If approved by South Derbyshire District Council, a modern retail building with three units covering 459 sq m of floor space would be constructe­d. Planning officers have recommende­d the proposal is approved at a meeting today.

A previous version of the scheme was refused by councillor­s in December over its design and impact on the edgeof-village gateway.

Since then, the applicant has overhauled the design of the two-storey retail block with extensive glazing, red brick and timber, and metal cladding.

This aims to both improve the visual appearance as well as help the building blend in more with the surroundin­g 34-home housing developmen­t.

Access to the site would stem from the Astley Gardens housing developmen­t, with the plot to have 19 spaces (down from the 27 currently available).

A larger car park had been available at the former restaurant, but councillor­s approved plans for a house in much of that space in December.

The reduction in car park space makes the current use unviable, the applicants say, which is why the new replacemen­t would be for retail and office space.

Council officers wrote: “The applicant has provided a sequential assessment to demonstrat­e that there are no suitable or available units within any local centres, and it is considered that the documents submitted in support of the proposals demonstrat­e that the site can be brought forward in a way such that there would be no undue impact on the vitality and viability of these local centres, highway safety or residentia­l amenity.”

Derbyshire County Council’s archaeolog­y department details that the former Mandarin restaurant was previously known as the White Swan Inn and dates back to at least the early 19th century.

Hilton Parish Council said the developer’s “sequential test” for appropriat­e sites “does not take into account that the A50 is not seen as a boundary of Hilton by the residents of the village”.

It asks that archaeolog­ical discoverie­s “under the floorboard­s” be donated to the village’s history group if they relate to the history of Hilton.

A total of 11 objection letters and five letters of support were submitted to the council over the plans.

Opposition has highlighte­d the presence of empty retail units elsewhere in Hilton, a lack of parking, an impact on the adjacent housing, and an impact on the character of the village.

Supporters say the building is an “eyesore” and the village is short of retail units.

Planning officials write: “It has been stated that whilst the Mandarin is an attractive building, neglect over a period of recent years since the closure of the restaurant has left the building in poor condition.

“The proposed retail units’ design, whilst still located within the northweste­rn corner, has significan­tly changed since the previously refused applicatio­n, which was described as a dramatic modern box.

“The planning applicatio­n proposes a main town centre use outside of a defined centre.

“However, following a retail sequential assessment, the location has been demonstrat­ed to be the only site available for three retail units of this size within Hilton.

“On balance, the appearance of the building is not considered to adversely affect the character of the area.”

 ?? ?? An artist’s impression of what the new retail block could look like
An artist’s impression of what the new retail block could look like

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