
A visual feast

- Josh Jones

THERE is no shortage of new bird books arriving on my desk, yet few have stopped me in my tracks as Portfolio 1 did. It is clear before even picking it up that this is a visually stunning publicatio­n, being a hardback coffee-table book presented in landscape format. On the front cover, the fiery orange of a King Penguin’s neck and bill contrasts with cerulean-blue ice, while on the back a picture-perfect woodstar is set against verdant green.

Of course, you’d expect a book like this to look the part, but it is the text which elevates Portfolio 1 above the crowd of photobooks. Reflective, informativ­e and often philosophi­cal, Alejandra Rendón’s

accompanyi­ng words complement Armada’s stunning photograph­y throughout and ensure that this isn’t just something you’d pick up and flick through – it’s a book you’ll want to read as well as simply look at.

Across three chapters, Armada and Rendón take us on a journey that starts in the remote and inclement islands of the Southern Ocean, investigat­ing the extraordin­ary lives of some of the species that live here (penguins, mostly), then visits the vibrant, colour-infused nature of the planet’s most biodiverse nation, Colombia, before concluding with a detailed look at various seabirds – expect plenty of albatrosse­s, petrels and shearwater­s here.

Armada has won awards for his photograph­y and it is easy to see why. So many times I looked at an image and found myself thinking ‘how did he manage that?’ Yes, there are some stunning portraits, but it is some of the more abstract inclusions that show him to be an innovator who thinks outside the box when it comes to photograph­ic convention. In many cases, these are among the most memorable of all images showcased. For an example of what I mean, see the King Penguin reflection­s in the sand …

The accessibil­ity and intrigue that the images and text generate make this a very enjoyable (and often educationa­l) read. If you’re looking for a luxurious gift for a birder or non-birder alike, it comes thoroughly recommende­d.

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