BBC Wildlife Magazine

What did they eat?


There are three main groups of dinosaurs. Very generally, ornithisch­ians and sauropods were plant-eaters while theropods were meat-eaters (this is a legacy of evolutiona­ry history, similar to how today’s hoofed animals are herbivores and cats are carnivores). But there are many exceptions, so how do scientists know what a species ate? Although the contents of the gut or dung can provide clues to diet, the best evidence usually comes from studying teeth and jaws.

Omnivorous dinosaurs had a combinatio­n of sharp and blunt tooth types: pointed for piercing and cutting; rounded for pounding and crushing. Just as mammals can have incisors, canines and molars, dinosaur teeth had a variety of forms, too – such as leaf, cone and pegshaped. While early dinosaurs such as Plateosaur­us (‘broad lizard’) were often generalist­s, later species became more specialist.

Carnivorou­s dinosaurs such as Allosaurus

had a type of tooth that curved backwards with a serrated edge for tearing and carving flesh, called a ziphodont (‘sword-tooth’). Some large theropods, notably tyrannosau­rs, had chunkier teeth to better withstand bonecrunch­ing stress – Tyrannosau­rus rex (T. rex)

had a predicted bite force of 35,000-65,000 Newtons, around twice what’s measured in saltwater crocodiles. Other theropods were adapted to a more specialise­d diet: Spinosauru­s (‘spine lizard’) had a crocodilel­ike snout and (possibly unserrated) teeth for catching fish, for example, whereas Therizinos­aurus (‘scythe lizard’) had enormous claws but was actually a vegetarian. While the jaws of most carnivores opened and closed like scissors, those of herbivores typically had a wider range of motion – including side-to-side for chewing.

Herbivorou­s dinosaurs had an array of tooth types. Sauropods like Diplodocus (‘double beam’) had pencil-shaped teeth that worked as a rake for stripping tree branches, and Brachiosau­rus (‘arm lizard’) had spoonshape­d teeth for chopping plant matter. The most complex dentition belonged to duck-billed hadrosaurs like

Edmontosau­rus (‘Edmonton lizard’), whose jaws contained a battery of hundreds of closelypac­ked teeth – each of the 60 or so tooth positions had up to five replacemen­ts stacked below the top one. These batteries formed a flat, rough surface for grinding, and were made from several hard materials (like enamel, dentine and cement) that were self-sharpening and resisted wear. Triceratop­s and other ceratopsia­ns also had tooth batteries, but instead of the rasp-like arrangemen­t seen in hadrosaurs, their stacks worked like overlappin­g shears.

While a mammal’s teeth are replaced once or twice over its lifetime, fish and reptiles (including dinosaurs) grow teeth continuall­y. And as in sharks, if a tooth broke or fell out, a dinosaur waited for a new one – in the carnivorou­s theropod

Majungasau­rus (‘Mahajanga lizard’) that only took about two months.

“The best evidence usually comes from studying teeth and jaws”

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