BBC Wildlife Magazine


Set sail along the longest river in Africa, where you’ll discover intricate ecosystems, world-class birdwatchi­ng and archaeolog­ical treasures


Famous ruins, towering monuments and awe-inspiring pyramids – a trip to Egypt is unforgetta­ble, in part to its immense cultural offering. But alongside the remnants of an iconic ancient civilisati­on, Egypt is home to some unique habitats and an astounding variety of birdlife, especially along the banks of its magnificen­t river, the Nile.


What better way to explore the ecological (and historical) riches on offer than joining an intimate river cruise with Aggressor Adventures? Luxury rooms, fivestar service and expert guides, as well as breathtaki­ng views and exceptiona­l birdwatchi­ng opportunit­ies, make for a travel experience like no other. Plus, the subtropica­l desert climate makes Egypt a great destinatio­n for some winter sun.


Beginning in Luxor on the east bank of the Nile, home to several ancient sites including Amun Temple and the Valley of the Kings, the Aggressor Nile Queen II embarks on its six-day voyage. First up, you’ll explore King Island – one of the area’s premier wetland sites – on the boat’s nine-metre floating bird hide. Look out for various wetland species, such as the little egret, cattle egret and purple heron, as well as kingfisher­s and raptors.


The adventure unravels at a leisurely pace – each day you cruise down the river and visit different birding hotspots along the way. Travelling southwards to Aswan, the ship sails by several historical wonders, including Gebel Silsila quarry and Kom Ombo, and many important nesting sites for native and migratory birds. Keep an eye out for some of the region’s colourful residents, like the Nile Valley sunbird and the red avadavat.

The Nile Queen II


With only 20 passengers aboard each charter, the Aggressor Nile River Cruise offers a truly personalis­ed experience with five-star service all-round. After a day’s sightseein­g, watch the world go by from the hot tub on the sundeck, or retreat to your deluxe room with a private bathroom and tiled walk-in shower. Enjoy fantastic chef-prepared meals and compliment­ary beer and wine while you mingle with likeminded people, or simply watch the Saharan sunset change the colours of the sky. This is slow travel at its best.

 ?? ?? Red avadavat
Nile Valley sunbird
Red avadavat Nile Valley sunbird

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