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Car park to be built on school site


A PUBLIC car park is to be built on the site of the former Dailly Primary School.

Planners say that the developmen­t will help to address some of the issues around parking in the surroundin­g residentia­l streets.

The land is adjacent to the village primary school and housing and has been vacant since the demolition of the old school in 2016.

South Ayrshire Council officials approved the formation of the car park, associated car access, lighting and fencing.

There will be 16 parking spaces, including one disabled bay, along with two electric vehicle charging points.

The car park access will be at Back Road, while two five-metre high lighting columns will be built at the centre of the site.

A two-metre high boundary security fence shall be installed between the car park and the primary school with the 1.8-metre existing brick retaining wall along the north-east of the site will be rebuilt.

The report points out the traffic issues in the surroundin­g streets.

It states: “It is noted that the streets immediatel­y surroundin­g the applicatio­n site currently have a high level of on-street parking, with some vehicles parking on the pavement due to the narrowness of the road, which is likely resulting in a detrimenta­l impact on the amenity of existing residents.

“As such, it is considered that the off-street parking spaces proposed would seek to alleviate this volume of on-street parking and thus improve residentia­l amenity.”

The proposal was approved by planning officers from the authority under delegated powers.

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