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Beat the Street game to deliver fitness fun

- Sandhya Suresh Sandhya.Menon@newsquest.co.uk

Councillor Bob Pollock with pupils from Annbank Primary as they prepare to take on the Beat the Street South Ayrshire challenge. Image: Intelligen­t Health

A NEW game encouragin­g people in South Ayrshire to get more active is set to start this week - and there are prizes to be won too.

Beat the Street South Ayrshire is a six-week challenge that starts on February 14 and runs until March 27, and will be held across Ayr, Prestwick, Troon, Symington, Dundonald, Monkton, Tarbolton, Mossblown and Coylton.

The teams that travel furthest will win prizes in the shape of vouchers for books and sports equipment.

Councillor Bob Pollock, economic developmen­t portfolio holder for South Ayrshire Council, which is behind the move to bring the game to the local area, said: “We are delighted to bring this innovative and compelling game to the area, and we can’t wait to see how far everyone is able to walk, run, cycle and scoot during the game.

“Everyone is welcome to get involved, so pick up a card or download the points and join in.”

The brainchild of GP Dr William Bird, Beat the Street aims to make physical activity fun and an integral part of daily life by introducin­g

a competitiv­e gaming element to it.

The game is freely available for everyone of all ages and encourages them to stay fit by walking, cycling, and rolling as far as they can.

Beat Boxes, which are beeping and flashing sensors, have been installed on lampposts throughout the area.

Participan­ts score their points by hovering their game cards over these sensors as they move from one Beat Box to another.

Every week of the game has a different theme with different activities to assist participan­ts in getting the most out of the game.

Primary school students receive a player pack that contains a map and a card, also meant for an accompanyi­ng adult.

The community is encouraged to pick up a contactles­s card from a distributi­on point which can be found at tinyurl.com/3z3w7xrb

Beat the Street South Ayrshire was commission­ed by the Ayrshire Roads Alliance on behalf ofSouth Ayrshire Council and is funded by Paths for All’s Smarter Choices, Smarter Places programme.

For more details about the game, visit beatthestr­eet.me/southayrsh­ire/

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