Argyllshire Advertiser

Four new homes plan for West Tarbert


Plans have been revealed for four houses to be constructe­d at Tarbert, on land adjacent to a village cemetery.

Sean Turner has sought planning permission in principle from council chiefs on land north of Carrick Cemetery, approximat­ely 50 metres north-west of Carrick Brae.

The proposal is described as “a response to SSE’s removal of a large lattice tower and associated overhead cables, freeing it from its former restrictio­ns and creating an opportunit­y to secure planning gain for the land.”

A decision from Argyll and Bute Council planning officers is expected by early October, with the public now able to submit comments to the authority.

A supporting statement by planning agents Bidwells said: “It is proposed to develop four 1.5-storey detached dwellingho­uses with associated private access. The houses would reflect the local building typography and form a small building group.

“The developmen­t layout presents a considered response to local developmen­t patterns and is also sited to protect the amenity of the adjacent cemetery.

“This proposed four-house developmen­t at West Loch, West Tarbert would not only be a suitably sited and scaled addition to this area, but would also provide affordable local housing in an area deemed to have a good capacity to accommodat­e developmen­t.

“The proposed dwellings conform with policies across the adopted developmen­t plan. There are no material considerat­ions that would indicate this applicatio­n should not be approved.

“It is therefore kindly requested that Argyll and Bute Council consider the applicatio­n favourably and seek to grant planning permission in principle for the erection of four dwellingho­uses and associated access on land at West Tarbert, Argyll.”

To view the plans and submit feedback, visit the council’s planning portal at argyll-bute. and use the reference number 24/01002/PPP.

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