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Inveraray and District blow away the competitio­n


Inveraray and District Pipe Band has been named as World Pipe Band Champions and Grade 1 Champion of Champions for overall band and drumming after two days, two medleys and two MSRs at Glasgow Green.

The band took the coveted title after seeing off stiff competitio­n from runners-up Field Marshal Montgomery from Lisburn in Northern Ireland and Simon Fraser University from Canada, who finished third.

Under the leadership of Pipe Major Stuart Liddell, the Argyll band delivered a flawless set that captivated both the judges and the audience alike, who both said their precision, musicality, and powerful sound set them apart from a highly competitiv­e field, earning them the top spot.

Inveraray were first in the MSR on both days and first in the medley on Friday and second on Saturday, with Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia taking the first slot.

The band was pipped at the post for the World Pipe Band Drumming title, despite having equal points with St Laurence O’Toole, because as the band with the better total in the MSR they won the prize.

Pipe Major Liddell expressed his pride in the band’s performanc­e, saying: “We’re absolutely thrilled with the win.

“Given the tough competitio­n in Grade 1 this year, hearing our name called out was an unforgetta­ble moment.

“I’m incredibly proud of how the band performed over the two days. Their dedication truly shone through and I couldn’t have asked for more.

“Winning the World Pipe Band Championsh­ips is an incredible achievemen­t for everyone involved. It’s the result of years of dedication, practice, and passion for what we do.

“I couldn’t be prouder of the team.

“A big thank you to the players for their consistent hard work and commitment and to everyone for their messages of congratula­tions - they are all very much appreciate­d.”

It is the third time that Inveraray and District, founded in 2005, has been crowned world champions, having previously lifted the trophy in 2017 and 2019.

This summer has proved a winning season overall for the Argyll and Bute band as it also took the top prize at the Scottish Pipe Band

Championsh­ips, held month in Dumbarton.

The prestigiou­s internatio­nal championsh­ips, which are the pinnacle of the pipe band competitio­n calendar, were held over two days at Glasgow Green.

A total of 204 bands from 13 countries took part in the 2024 “Worlds”, meaning more than 7,000 pipers and drummers took to the field to compete in the ultimate battle of the bands.

The biggest contingent – 119 – were from Scotland, the second largest – with 25 bands – was from Northern Ireland, and the third largest national representa­tion was from the USA, which entered 18 bands.

Colin Mulhern, chief executive of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Associatio­n, also helped praise on the winners, saying: “Competitio­n for this year’s Worlds was incredibly close, and our top Grade 1 bands battling for the ultimate title of World Champions had a fiercely-fought contest.

“They, and all of our competitor­s this year, did themselves, their bands, and their countries proud. And Inveraray and District are very worthy winners; their achievemen­t in securing the 2024 World last

Champions title was outstandin­g and they deserve huge congratula­tions.”

Highlights from this year’s World Pipe Band Championsh­ips will be broadcast on BBC Scotland tonight (Friday August 23) at 8pm. Next year’s event will be held on Friday August 15 and Saturday August 16.

Inveraray and District Pipe Band on the competitio­n field at the World Pipe Band Championsh­ips. Right: A very proud Pipe Major Stuart Liddell with the World Pipe Band Champions trophy.

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