Apollo Magazine (UK)

Material matters

As Frieze Seoul returns for its third outing, here’s our pick of the museum exhibition­s not to miss while you’re in town


Connecting Bodies: Asian Women Artists

National Museum of Modern and Contempora­ry Art, Seoul 3 September–3 March 2025

In 1995, the Chinese artist Yin Xiuzhen made blocks of ice using water from a polluted river in Chengdu, then asked passers-by on its banks to try and wash them clean. This exercise in futility is Washing River (pictured), one of the highlights of the MMCA’s exhibition of work by women artists from across Asia from the 1960s to today; other artists whose work is on show include Arahmaiani, Atsuko Tanaka, Pacita Abad and Hong Lee Hyun-sook.

Elmgreen & Dragset: Spaces

Amorepacif­ic Museum of Art, Seoul 3 September–23 February 2025

The appropriat­ely named ‘Spaces’ consists of five set-piece installati­ons: a family house rendered at full scale; a public pool; a restaurant; a kitchen; and an artist’s studio. Together, these spaces hold more than 60 sculptures by the Scandinavi­an duo Elmgreen & Dragset, making it their largest exhibition in Asia to date.

Anicka Yi: There Exists Another Evolution, But in This One

Leeum Museum of Art, Seoul 5 September–29 December

Given that Anicka Yi is best-known for the unexpected materials that appear in her work – ranging from kombucha bacteria to boiled sandals – there’s no telling quite what visitors will find here. In the spring, the Korean-American artist’s first solo show at an Asian museum will travel to the UCCA Center for Contempora­ry Art in Beijing.

Do Ho Suh: Speculatio­ns

Art Sonje Center, Seoul Until 3 November

In his long-running Speculatio­n Project (2005–), Do Ho Suh gives expression to ideas that are impossible to realise – a Korean house transporte­d to the United States by a tornado, say. These scenarios appear in doll’s-house-like models, diagrams and animations. Other highlights of this show include films about housing complexes in London and Daegu.

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