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Sleepless army in search of a solution


HUNDREDS of thousands of internet searches are carried out every month in the search for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Sleep apnea tops the list of sleep conditions most researched online, with close to 150,000 Google searches a month across the UK.

Insomnia, with 112,215 Google searches each month. and restless legs syndrome, 90,696 searches, were second and third in the list, a new study has revealed.

Up to 10 million people across the UK are thought to be affected by sleep apnea. A medical condition, it causes sufferers to stop and start breathing during the night repeatedly,

was the most searchedfo­r sleeping condition – with an average of 147,253 per month – in 72 out of the 73 UK cities analysed, including Manchester, Glasgow and London.

Some common symptoms of sleep apnea are loud snoring, periods during sleep where breathing stops (often reported by a family member or partner), and gasping for air during sleep.

affecting an estimated one in three people, leads to difficulty in getting to or staying asleep. It appeared in the top five searches in every city, with the most coming from Leeds, Birmingham, and Liverpool.

causes an uncomforta­ble sensation that generates the uncontroll­able urge to move the legs and can also make long flights or even a trip to the cinema a stressful situation.

RLS appeared in the top five most searched-for conditions across all 73 UK cities analysed.

often characteri­sed by the terrifying inability to move upon falling asleep or waking, is ranked fourth in the list, with 66,576 searches. It is thought to be caused by disrupting the transition between REM sleep and wakefulnes­s.

The rest of the top 10 is made up of narcolepsy, which causes people to fall asleep suddenly; jet lag; bruxism, the involuntar­y grinding or clenching of teeth; night terrors; hypersomni­a, causing sufferers to feel excessivel­y tired during the day or sleep longer than usual at night; and sleepwalki­ng.

Ashley Hainsworth, from bedroom furnishing suppliers Bed Kingdom, who carried out the survey, said: “While stress is a significan­t factor, it’s essential to recognise that sleep disorders can have diverse origins, from alcohol consumptio­n to the type of bed you sleep in.”

 ?? ?? Sleep apnea
Restless legs syndrome
Sleep paralysis,
BRAIN FOOD: Patrick Holford
Sleep apnea Insomnia, Restless legs syndrome Sleep paralysis, BRAIN FOOD: Patrick Holford

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