All About Space



Alpha Centauri

Distance from Earth: 4.3 light years

Current travel time: 30,000 years

Interstell­ar speed travel time: 43 years

This three-star system includes Proxima Centauri, which is the nearest star to Earth after the Sun. It’s confirmed there are at least two planets around this star.

Barnard’s Star

Distance from Earth: 5.96 light years

Current travel time: 42,500 years

Interstell­ar speed travel time: 60 years

One of the fastest moving stars in the galaxy, this is also the closest star to Earth, after the Sun, that is visible from the Northern Hemisphere.

Wolf 359

Distance from Earth: 7.8 light years

Current travel time: 55,500 years

Interstell­ar speed travel time: 78 years

This red dwarf is located in the constellat­ion of Leo and can only be seen through a large telescope.


Distance from Earth: 8.6 light years

Current travel time: 61,250 years

Interstell­ar speed travel time: 86 years

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky as it is one of the closest to us. It is part of a double star system.

Gliese 65

Distance from Earth: 8.7 light years

Current travel time: 62,350 years

Interstell­ar speed travel time: 87 years

This star, seen in the constellat­ion of Cetus, is actually a binary system of two stars encircling each other every 26.5 years or so.

Ross 154

Distance from Earth: 9.7 light years

Current travel time: 69,100 years

Interstell­ar speed travel time: 97 years

This star, found in the constellat­ion of Sagittariu­s, can only be seen with apertures of three inches or larger.

Ross 248

Distance from Earth: 10.3 light years

Current travel time: 73,750 years

Interstell­ar speed travel time: 103 years

This small star in the constellat­ion of Andromeda emits just 0.2 per cent of the Sun’s light.

Epsilon Eridani

Distance from Earth: 10.5 light years

Current travel time: 75,000 years

Interstell­ar speed travel time: 105 years

This bright star, visible with the naked eye, has a confirmed planet orbiting around it and has been a popular interstell­ar travel target in science fiction.

Lacaille 9352

Distance from Earth: 10.7 light years

Current travel time: 76,700 years

Interstell­ar speed travel time: 107 years

Visible in the Southern Hemisphere with binoculars, this star is smaller and cooler than our Sun.

Ross 128

Distance from Earth: 11 light years

Current travel time: 78,000 years

Interstell­ar speed travel time: 110 years

Ross 128 is a red dwarf star whose orbit around the Milky Way will bring it closer to us in the future.

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