The realm of fragrance offers a profound avenue for self- discovery and distinctio­n. Far beyond the traditiona­l confines of colognes and perfumes, scent combining is an art that opens up a universe of olfactory possibilit­ies. With a rich heritage rooted in the art of perfumery, Ajmal Perfumes offers a diverse array of scents that transcend the convention­al boundaries of perfume. From the captivatin­g allure of niche perfumes to the unique blending of top, heart, and base notes, Ajmal’s creations are crafted to embody individual­ity and sophistica­tion.

In an exclusive interview, Abdulla Ajmal, CEO of Ajmal Perfumes, uncovers the essence of what makes perfumes a timeless choice for those seeking to make a lasting impression.

Edited excerpts:

Is scent combining only limited to colognes alone?

Scent combining isn't just for perfumes, and not every fragrance you use needs to come from a perfumery. You can explore a wide range of f ragrance sources. Classic scent combinatio­ns to try i nclude l avender and vanilla, bergamot and resins, rose and patchouli, or herb and citrus. It's crucial to understand your personal preference­s when creating your own scent blends. Begin with a foundation­al scent and layer other fragrances on top, starting with the most intense and working your way to lighter notes.

How do you find your unique scents?

Discoverin­g your unique scent is a deeply personal journey that mirrors your individual­ity. A fragrance should be subtle yet distinct, serving as a nuanced expression of your personalit­y. It should captivate and allure, acting as an extension of who you are. Instead of being overpoweri­ng, it should attract others in a way that feels natural and refined. The perfect fragrance becomes a hallmark of your identity — a subtle signature that draws people in without overwhelmi­ng them.

What is niche perfume?

Niche perfume refers to a category of fragrances that prioritise unique, highqualit­y scents and limited availabili­ty. Gaining prominence in the 1990s and 2000s, niche perfumes cater to those seeking depth and originalit­y rather than mainstream appeal. Unlike mass-market fragrances, niche perfumes are often produced in limited quantities and sold in select locations, enhancing their exclusivit­y. They are celebrated for their distinctiv­e compositio­ns, innovative packaging, and appeal to passionate f ragrance enthusiast­s who value uniqueness and craftsmans­hip in their scent choices.

What do the 'top', 'heart' and 'base' notes mean in perfume industry?

In perfumery, the ' top', 'heart', and 'base' notes represent different layers of a fragrance, each contributi­ng to the overall scent experience.

Top Notes: These are the initial, often fruity or citrusy scents that you smell immediatel­y upon applying a fragrance. They are designed to be the most noticeable at first but are fleeting, fading away within the first few minutes.

Heart Notes: Also known as middle notes, these aromas emerge after the top notes dissipate. They typically include herbal, floral, green, or spicy elements and are the core of the fragrance.

Base Notes: These are the deep, longlastin­g scents that develop later and provide a foundation for the fragrance. Base notes take time to reveal themselves, often becoming noticeable only after about 30 minutes.

Layering these notes creates a dynamic and evolving scent experience, allowing you to customise a fragrance to your personal preference­s and adapt it to various skin types and weather conditions. Experiment­ing with different notes can help you craft a bespoke fragrance that truly reflects your individual­ity.

What is the difference between Oud and Attar perfume?

Oud and Attar are both t ypes of perfumes, but they differ significan­tly in compositio­n and usage. Renowned for its strong, woody, and sometimes smoky aroma, oud offers a distinctiv­e, longlastin­g scent often described as exotic and l uxurious. Due to i ts potency a nd cost, oud is typically used in high- end, luxury fragrances and is especially popular in Middle Eastern perfumes, where its deep, warm scent is cherished.

Attar, also known as it tar, isa traditiona­l, alcohol-free perfume made from natural ingredient­s. It can include a variety of base ingredient­s such as sandalwood or musk, and often features a blend of floral, woody, or spicy notes. Attar is generally more subtle and nuanced compared to oud.

 ?? ?? Abdulla Ajmal, CEO of Ajmal Perfumes
Abdulla Ajmal, CEO of Ajmal Perfumes

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