Pakistan Independence Day


UAE has seen a surge in art enthusiast­s, artists working with di–erent mediums and art collectors. Let’s celebrate Pakistani arts and culture

- — Ghazala Tikki Zaman and Tabassum ally

Showcasing world-class exhibition­s and attracting the finest works of renowned Artists, the UAE is becoming an epicentre for art in all forms. Be it the subtle colours in abstract Art or well-curated calligraph­y all forms of Art are now becoming an important pArt of living spaces. A piece of art brings much joy to the owner and adds vibrancy to any living space. The art galleries in Dubai continue to grow and have become a haven for new and renowned artists from across the world.


“Our experience at Art Dubai and Art Abu Dhabi has been phenomenal, ”says Sameera Raja.

Raja is an art enthusiast who has brought much joy to the people of Karachi, UAE and Abu Dhabi by the exquisite display of Art work by renowned Artists.

An architect by profession and with a flair for Art, Raja in ‰ŠŠŠ stArted her own Gallery in the mega city of Karachi. She realised that the people in Karachi needed to enjoy art like it was being done in other parts of Pakistan. By bringing art and works of artists from around the country, she stared an era of building a much needed awareness and understand­ing of art.

The CanvasGall­ery has been a part of Art Dubai exhibition­s since ŒŽ‰‘, and last year CanvasGall­ery also exhibited Art work in Abu Dhabi.

“In ŒŽ‰Š, when we had taken Hamra Abbas work to Art Dubai, where His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minster of UAE and Ruler of Dubai, visited our booth and spoke to me about the Art work from Pakistan at length, and our booth became one of the most photograph­ed booth. The photograph was on the masthead of Art Dubai for couple of years and this was indeed a proud moment for Pakistan. Our booths are always one of the most photograph­ed booths and they always garner a lot of attention. The Gallery is always in the top ‰Ž booths of the exhibition”

The CanvasGall­ery has delighted the people of UAE by bringing exquisite and much sought after work of accomplish­ed Artists like Hamra Abbas, Bushra Waqas Khan, Muzamil Rohail to name a few. Raja believes that exhibiting works of solo artists brings more substance to the exhibition as compared to exhibiting works of several artists put together. To her the booth might not look so strong, if you have a broad spectrum of artists it doesn’t seem so well curated so working with solo artists is very rewarding and well received. Canvas Gallery has always maintained booths of solo artists and this has led to a huge footfall.

“The fact that we are the only Gallery from Pakistan and yet we get a lot of footfall in a place like Art Dubai and Art Abu Dhabi, is very encouragin­g. There are so many galleries from the region and yet we get a lot of footfall, appreciati­on and art enthusiast­s. This for us is very encouragin­g and very exciting and heady. It is heady because one feels it’s not just the art we are representi­ng but it’s our country we are representi­ng. Everything we do is Pakistani, the clothes that I wear, the bag that I carry, and it feels so proud when people want to know more about our country. So it’s not only the art in the booth but I feel we are really representi­ng a segment of Pakistan. A proud Pakistani bringing a proud moment to people outside Pakistan.”

“Art has always flourished. The fact that we have so any artists, we have so many institutio­ns, we have so many places where art is exhibited, for me that is great. The fact that we have people who are going abroad for masters, for residencie­s, going to museums, to galleries, indicate that art is flourishin­g and when an artist can make a living through a career in Art then we can safely say that art is flourishin­g in the true sense.”


“The UAE has establishe­d itself as a thriving market for art, offering a dynamic and diverse platform for artists, collectors, and art enthusiast­s alike. Overall the UAE presents a compelling environmen­t for the growth and sustenance of the Art market, offering opportunit­ies for Artists to showcase their work, collectors to invest in art, and enthusiast­s to engage with a vibrant artistic community,” says Fawad Durrani.

The transition from a banker to starting an Art Gallery has been a significan­t shift for Durrani. For Durrani transiting into the art world has typically involved conducting researches on the art market, industry trends, and potential business opportunit­ies.

“We have artists from around the world approachin­g us for exhibition­s or to showcase their creations. This unique approach allows us to curate a diverse and dynamic collection that reflects a global perspectiv­e on art.”

As a well-establishe­d Gallery in Dubai, the Gallery takes pride in providing a platform for artists to share their visions and connect with art enthusiast­s and collectors.

In ŒŽŒ˜, the Gallery made a conscious decision to support and promote local and expat talented Artists living in UAE. As part of these new initiative, the Gallery now hosts exhibition­s regularly, showcasing the amazing artwork of local and expat Artists.

Commenting on the current trends in the art world, Durrani is of the opinion that we see Art differentl­y. There is a growing interest in digital Art including non-tangible tokens, whichahas gained popularity as a new way of selling and collecting digital artwork Secondly many Artists are addressing environmen­tal issues and climate change in their works, highlighti­ng the importance of sustainabi­lity for positive change. Moreover, the Art world is becoming more diverse and inclusive, with artists from different background­s and perspectiv­es gaining recognitio­n and representa­tion in galleries and museums.

Cross Borders Art Gallery is prominent in the Art scene of UAE, and has participat­ed in many prestigiou­s art exhibition­s held in Dubai and Saudi Arabia.

Durrani and his team have a leading art consultanc­y specialisi­ng in providing exquisite artworks for hotels across the UAE.

“As art consultant­s for hotels in UAE, we recognise the significan­ce of digital prints in enhancing the visual appeal of hospitalit­y spaces. The versatilit­y and scalabilit­y of digital art allows us to curate bespoke collection­s that resonate with the hotel’s brand image, identity and aesthetic vision.”

The Gallery also boasts of having clients from different walks of life looking to adorn their living spaces. This includes local resident’s expats, tourists, art collector’s corporate clients, interior designers and art enthusiast­s.

Overall, the clientele for art in Dubai is geographic­ally diverse, with collectors and enthusiast­s coming from the various parts of the world to engage with the city’s thriving art scene.

Amongst the younger clients abstract Art is much sought after. However, given the cultural dynamics calligraph­y holds a special significan­ce in Islamic Art. Furthermor­e, more traditiona­l Arabesque and Geometric patterns are an integral part of art in the Middle east. As in any business, Durrani also faced a few challenges but as running a Gallery in Dubai is facilitate­d by the government support and encouragem­ent for the Emirates and expat artists Durrani met with minimum hurdles.

“The government initiative­s provide a conducive environmen­t for galleries to thrive and contribute to the vibrant art scene in Dubai, without facing any significan­t challenges.”

 ?? ?? Art display at Cross Border Art Gallery.
Art display at Cross Border Art Gallery.
 ?? ?? Exhibition being curated.
Exhibition being curated.
 ?? ?? An art piece by Canvas Art Gallery.
An art piece by Canvas Art Gallery.
 ?? ?? Sameera Raja
Sameera Raja
 ?? ?? Fawad Durrani
Fawad Durrani

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