Pakistan Independence Day


More than 700,000 overseas Pakistanis open Roshan Digital Accounts and invests $8.25 billion by June this year

- — Muzaffar Rizvi

OVERSEAS Pakistanis deposited and invested a total of $1.90 billion through the Roshan Digital Account (RDA), bringing the cumulative gross inflows through the RDA to $8.25 billion since its launch in September 2020.

Latest data of State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), the central bank, shows that the net RDA inflows, excluding withdrawal­s and domestic utilisatio­n, improved by $311 million to reach $1.43 billion in financial year 2023-24. This contribute­d to stabilisin­g Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves, which increased to $9.15 billion as of August 2, up from around $4 billion in June 2023.

In June 2024 alone, non-resident Pakistanis injected a gross $200 million into the RDA, further bolstering the total gross inflows over the past 45 months. This also reflects the increasing trust and participat­ion of the Pakistani diaspora in the country’s financial system.

The Roshan Digital Accounts provide innovative banking solutions to millions of Non-Resident Pakistanis (NRPs), including Non-Resident Pakistan Origin Card (POC) holders, for banking, payment, and investment activities in Pakistan.

As per the SBP data, the RDA initiative has seen significan­t growth, with the number of account holders now exceeding to 700,000. The number of accounts registered under the programme increased by 12,960 to 702,610 in May 2024 from 689,650 in April 2024.

The central bank data shows that out of the total $8.25 billion in gross RDA inflows, Pakistani expatriate­s utilised $5.21 billion domestical­ly and withdrew $1.61 billion from their RDA accounts. As a result, the net deposits and investment­s through the RDA stood at $1.43 billion as of the end of June 2024.

By the end of June, overseas Pakistanis have invested $348 million in Naya Pakistan Certificat­es (NPCs), $592 million in Naya Pakistan Islamic Certificat­es, and $38 million in Roshan Equity Investment. About $422 million was maintained as net deposits while $31 million was in other liabilitie­s.

Financial experts noted that non-resident Pakistanis have been increasing their investment­s in various assets through the RDA, reflecting growing confidence in Pakistan’s economic stability and the rupee-dollar parity. The higher returns on Naya Pakistan Certificat­es (NPCs) and the overall economic stability in the country have been key factors driving the increased investment through the RDA.

Expatriate­s can freely invest or withdraw deposits and investment­s in NPCs denominate­d in Pakistani rupee, US dollar, UK pound, and euro through their online RDA accounts, with the returns significan­tly higher than those offered by debt instrument­s in developed countries.

These RDA inflows are in addition to the monthly workers’ remittance­s, which increased by 10.57 per cent to $30.25 billion in fiscal year 2023-24, significan­tly aiding in financing the trade deficit over the year.

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