Pakistan Independence Day

Champions of Hope

Empowering youth in healthcare innovation at Indus Hospital & Health Network

- ■ Shiza Khan

In an era defined by constant change and interconne­cted global challenges, the transforma­tive power of youth has emerged as a source of resilience. As we navigate complex healthcare landscapes and societal disparitie­s, the role of young people in shaping the future of public health and philanthro­py cannot be overstated. Indus Hospital & Health Network harnesses the power of young leaders, distinguis­hed by their innovative spirit and unwavering commitment to social causes. IHHN empowers its youth ambassador­s to stand at the forefront of addressing pressing healthcare issues and promoting community well-being.

To empower the youth, instil social responsibi­lity, and cultivate future leaders, The Indus Hospital launched the Indus Youth Ambassador Programme (IYAP) in 2021, entrusting these brilliant children to become catalysts for progress on both local and global scales. Starting with 15 trailblazi­ng young minds, IYAP has now grown to almost 150 dedicated individual­s committed to saving lives. Through their combined efforts, hundreds of fundraisin­g campaigns have been initiated, resulting in millions of patients benefiting from these dedicated youngsters. With a steadfast commitment to making a tangible difference in the world, the ambassador­s have tirelessly raised funds for various causes, ranging from supporting cancer patients to nourishing young mothers in far-flung and often flood-affected areas.

In Pakistan, IHHN is not just a hospital; it is a sanctuary of hope and healing for more than six million patients annually. Since its inception in 2007, under the visionary leadership of Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, IHHN has emerged as a formidable force in the fight against disease and despair. With unwavering dedication, it has tirelessly extended its healing touch to the most vulnerable segments of society, offering a lifeline to those who have nowhere else to turn. IHHN is a proud network of healthcare facilities comprised of multiple hospitals, regional blood centres, physical rehabilita­tion centres, and primary care sites spread across Pakistan. Yet, its impact transcends mere infrastruc­ture, reaching deep into the hearts and lives of millions with its free-of-cost healthcare services.

Our youth ambassador­s diligently initiated the ‘Champions of Change’ campaign on the online platform called Yallagive (with IACAD Permit No. PRHCE - 2567238) at the start of Ramadan. Their efforts facilitate­d comprehens­ive access to high-quality, free-of-cost healthcare services for all zakat-eligible patients, constituti­ng 70 per cent of our total patient base at IHHN. They laboriousl­y raised awareness about healthcare challenges in rural Pakistan, highlighte­d the impact of IHHN’s primary care programme, and secured substantia­l donations.

In 2017, IHHN embarked on a transforma­tive journey with the inception of its Primary Care Programme (PCP). This initiative addresses profound healthcare disparitie­s in Pakistan, particular­ly among marginalis­ed communitie­s where over half of the population lacks access to essential healthcare services.

Highlighti­ng the urgency, statistics reveal that one in every 20 Pakistanis is infected with HCV, more than 3.4 million cases of Malaria are reported, and 63.3 out of 1000 children do not make it to the age of five. In response, IHHN employs a comprehens­ive, multi-sectoral approach to community developmen­t through the PCP. Beyond traditiona­l healthcare, this programme catalyses community engagement, integratin­g family medicine and acute care with public health initiative­s. Operating across 38 sites including hospital-based facilities, mobile clinics, and tele-health centres, the PCP has already benefitted 9.2 million individual­s, underscori­ng its impact in fostering resilient communitie­s and improving overall well-being.

With the astounding success of this campaign, a generous extension was granted and subsequent­ly, we launched our “NourishMom” programme (with “Champions of Hope” IACAD Permit No. PRHCE - 00309097) to raise funds for malnourish­ed mothers and their infants at the hospital.

Our young ambassador­s showed their zeal by collecting an incredible total of Dh151,375 during this period. Through their campaigns, they have enabled quality healthcare provision, uplifted underprivi­leged communitie­s, and touched the hearts of millions of underserve­d individual­s and families.

Our devoted youth ambassador­s included Kinaan Syed, Mikail Hashmi, Shaheer Baig, and Zoya Zeeshan from Dubai College; Aliza Ahmed, Layaan Rehman, Megha Shahani, Rayyan Sidat, Saif Seer, Sakina Syed, Sophia Shah from GEMS Jumeirah Primary School; Aleena Fawad, Alizeh Khokhar, Eimaan Irfan, Inaya Fawad, and Vivaan Shahani from Jumeirah College; Haider Afzal, Mahnoor Khawaja, Maryam Habib from Dubai Internatio­nal Academy; Abdul Subhan Versiani, Anabiya Versiani, Falak Mudasir Kaba, Mohammad Shafi Versiani from Scholars Internatio­nal Academy; Maaiz Mubashir Kaba, Saalim Kaba, Zainab Versiani from Sharjah English School; Mahad Choudhry and Zeenia Ehsan Choudry from Internatio­nal School of Choueifat; Sulaiman Habib from Dubai American Academy; Shayaan Asim from DESC; Alisah Ahmed from Dubai Internatio­nal Academy; Hussain Ahmad from GEMS Metropole; Shehryar Asim from GEMS Wellington Academy; Kayaan Hashmi from JESS Jumeirah; Ahmad Zeeshan from Kings’ School Dubai; Zoya Omer from Nord Anglia School Dubai; Hazael Shamoon from Raffles World Academy; Qasim Khan from Repton Dubai; and Hamdan Noor from Safa Community School.

Indus Youth Mentors included Kinaan Syed, Reza Tabba, Ziyad Akram, and Sofia Omer from Dubai College; Aamnah Bhutta from Dubai Internatio­nal Academy; Mahad Ehsan Choudhry from Internatio­nal School of Choueifat; Wania Ehsan from Reigate Grammar School; Aenna Khan and Ahmed Khan from Repton Dubai. Indus Leaders included Sofia Omer from Dubai College; Aamnah Bhutta from Dubai Internatio­nal Academy, Alizey Khokar from Jumeirah College, and Eman Versiani from the University of Sharjah.

Through their passion, creativity, and dedication, our youth ambassador­s are not only driving tangible change but also redefining the very essence of compassion and collective responsibi­lity as their compassion transcends all borders to touch the lives of the underprivi­leged in Pakistan.

Our young ambassador­s showed their zeal by collecting an incredible total of Dh151,375 during this period. Through their campaigns, they have enabled quality healthcare provision, uplifted underprivi­leged communitie­s, and touched the hearts of millions of underserve­d individual­s and families.

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