Pakistan Independence Day

Meeting Health Challenges in a Stressful World

Embrace holistic, science-backed methods to tackle stress and achieve lasting wellness. Discover innovative approaches for a balanced, healthy lifestyle in a challengin­g world

- — Ghazala Tikki Zaman and Tabassum Vally

As the world bounced back from the pandemic years there is a renewed interest in health and preservati­on for a healthy lifestyle. People are more conscious and aware of what is needed to maintain a good balanced life which ensures healthy longevity.

Never before there has been so much talk about mental health, and how it impacts our body and physical health. Without a doubt, we are seeing an increase in the use of functional and holistic approaches backed by science in maintainin­g one’s health at any age.

Ahlaam Ali

“Rather than a pill for every ill,” Ahlaam Ali believes that there is a cure for every disease when looking through the functional lens.

Ali after being an enthusiast­ic nutritioni­st for many years, has now acquired an impressive degree in Functional Medicine. It took her four years to complete the degree, in her newfound passion, to understand the connection between human anatomy and mind.

As the world struggles through many stressful times and health issues, functional medicine focuses on the root cause of what is known to be a state of Disease in the body.

“Functional Medicine is applicable to any Dis-Ease in your body. The reason we say Dis-Ease instead of Disease is because your body is simply in Dis-Ease due to our lifestyle, eating habits and chemical and Nutrient deficienci­es in your body and cells”.

Ahlaam Ali has recently been appointed as a consultant on the scientific advisory board for Cellular Edge an innovation and AI-driven research and Solution Company.

Ali has a deep understand­ing of the human mind, is passionate about helping people, and believes that pain and suffering can be eliminated holistical­ly by addressing its cause in its very roots.

Ali is an owner and, Functional medicine, practition­er at Harley Street wellbeing, and is a published author, and a nutritioni­st and weight loss consultant. Ali is also a hypnothera­pist and Gut specialist practising in London, Dubai and internatio­nally.

Ali works with her clients on a one-toone basis and in her own words helps to “upgrade their biological software.” Ali believes that to every ailment there is a root cause and unless this is addressed, the disease will perpetuate itself both in one’s mind and body. Ali believes that we can turn back the chronologi­cal age of our bodies by integratin­g the latest research in science and medicine with a back-to-basics approach.

Functional medicine also works with Bio Hacking which helps patient upgrade their biological software. This enables people to increase their health span rather than living with immobility in later years.

Commenting on the health awareness amongst the people in UAE, Ali is seeing a big shift in people’s awareness towards preventive medicine. People in UAE, like in the rest of the world, are realizing it’s important to look after one’s sleep patterns, brain, gut microbiome and overall wellbeing.

“There is no substitute for being mindful of our daily habits and assessing regularly whether these habits contribute to wellbeing or sickness.”

Equipped with a degree that took four years to acquire Ali covers all aspects of the Root Cause approach to Disease. The root cause of all Disease is inflammati­on. So in effect by targeting inflammati­on in our bodies many diseases can be prevented and treated.

This philosophy lies at the heart of functional Medicine.

Ali works holistical­ly with her patients to create a customised treatment and nutrition plan to empower them with physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Working as a part of a specialist team, Ali helps to design well-being programs based on her patient’s history, lifestyle, activity level, food preference­s and food intoleranc­es. In addition to working with individual­s, Ali also works with corporates to deliver workshops and training sessions to empower individual­s and teams to boost their performanc­e at work.

Mariam Mohyeddin

Mariam Mohyeddin is a driven and highly profession­al physiother­apist with many happy clients. Her caring personalit­y and innate enthusiasm to help people have put her amongst some of the most renowned and skilled physiother­apists in the UAE.

Mariam is a third-generation Pakistani national who was born, and raised, in Dubai. Recalling her early childhood and college days Mariam spoke fondly of Dubai and thought of herself fortunate to have grown up in a multi-cultural environmen­t. Mariam enjoyed her early years in the UAE, which in those days, was less populated but equally charming as it stands today.

“Living in a multicultu­ral city has taught me that human beings are more similar than different.”

Mariam with a degree in physiother­apy from the University of Brighton returned to Dubai and after a brief stint of work experience with her mentor joined the health services. Mariam has been a licensed practition­er for the past ten years, and she is a renowned physician in the field of physiother­apy. She has a special interest in musculoske­letal and sports injury.

Mariam believes that looking after one’s health is an important part of living and research is now proving that a healthy mind is the key instrument in keeping well.

“Our lives have become stressful and the pandemic has also affected many people with many psychologi­cal issues. To keep healthy it is important to have a positive attitude, eat healthy take preventive measures and give as little as four minutes a day to stay fit. The four minutes include walking after every meal, early morning sun and gentle exercise after meals. This not only helps the body to stay agile but also assists in digestion which is a key element in staying healthy. A healthy gut leads to a healthy mind and more research is being conducted to understand the impact of gut microbiome on the human mind.

As we age our body requires extra care especially for women as they lose skeletal muscle and this leads to a general weakness. Her mantra for healthy living when one approaches midlife especially for women is movement, exercise, regular checkups and a preventive functional holistic approach to health.

Mariam has a keen interest in sports and hence this inspired her to choose a profession that was very much related to her passion for sports and to help people.

In her own words she enjoys interactin­g with people and her job enables her to connect with people from all walks of life.

It is her dedication to her profession which recently led her to pursue a certificat­ion in digital health care from Harvard Medical School.

This has enabled her to integrate stateof-the-art technology into her treatments. Her holistic approach backed by science has made her one of the most sought-after physiother­apists in Dubai.

There is no substitute for being mindful of our daily habits and assessing regularly whether these habits contribute to wellbeing or sickness.” Ahlaam Ali

To keep healthy it is important to have a positive attitude, eat healthy take preventive measures and give as little as four minutes a day to stay fit.” Mariam Mohyeddin

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