Pakistan Independence Day

Syed Ather — A 50-Year Legacy of Green Growth in Dubai

Witness how this pioneering resident helped shape the UAE’s lush parks and modern water systems, celebratin­g five decades of remarkable progress and enduring dedication

- ■ Ghazala Tikki Zaman and Tabassum Vally

Today UAE has a very different topography compared to 50 years ago. As we drive along any road in UAE we find streets dotted with gardens, parks, canals and fountains. With all the modern technology from cloud seeding to drip irrigation it is not hard to imagine how this magnificen­t oasis exists in the middle of a desert.

The story of the beautiful acres of green parks and wonderful water fountains is not short of a miracle.

Behind the mammoth projects are the skill, talent and expertise of people who came to Dubai many years ago and helped the municipali­ty build a green infrastruc­ture.

“I came to Dubai in 1974, and since then this has been my home. I was only 27 years old then and UAE has been my home since then,” says Syed Ather.

“When I came, there were only two major parks and Dubai had its iconic Clock Tower. Other than that there was lots of sand everywhere. Today it’s hard to believe the greenery, the buildings, and the highways all state-of-the-art constructi­on around,” an old resident of Dubai speak of the days when the tallest building was the trade Centre and the only two big parks, were available to the people as a source of recreation.

Ather is an old resident of Dubai, who came to UAE some 50 years ago. Ather started his career with a local company and after working with them for a brief period, joined a British company Sulfer Gulf. He worked there for almost seven years. He recalls working on the Dnata building which is still a landmark in Dubai. He was assigned work at the Sharjah airport which at the time was very small and only a few flights would come in as the capacity was limited. Of course today Sharjah Airport is busy and flights land and take off throughout the day.

In 1982, Dubai Municipali­ty offered Ather a job which he willingly accepted. “Dubai municipali­ty at the time operated differentl­y as compared to its multi-faceted structure today.”

His assignment was to ensure the irrigation and supply of water to the two major parks and all water fountains in Dubai.

Ather recalls that some 50 years ago the technology was very different and the parks and fountains needed a continuous supply of water through pumps. Some reservoirs met the need for the water supply but the challenge was to ensure a continuous supply through pumps.

He recounts the time when the Clock Tower, the iconic symbol of Dubai was the only big fountain that would bring relief from the scorching sun.

“Perhaps today most people will not be able to recall the famous elephant fountain that used to be popular in the early 80s.”

Most of these smaller fountains are now been replaced throughout the UAE and the old system of irrigation has now been replaced by a state of the art water canals and lakes.

Today Dubai Municipali­ty has 145 parks under their provision which are divided into five grand parks, 66 district parks, five lake parks, 67 public areas and two specialty gardens.

Mushrif Park was establishe­d in 1974, while Mamzar Park and Safa Park was establishe­d in 1975.

There were many challenges in those days as none of the modern technology existed. Early 1980 was a time when UAE had started its mega expansion in terms

When I came, there were only two major parks and Dubai had its iconic Clock Tower. Other than that there was lots of sand everywhere. Today it’s hard to believe the greenery, the buildings, and the highways all state-of-the-art constructi­on around an old resident of Dubai speak of the days when the tallest building was the trade Centre and the only two big parks, were available to the people as a source of recreation.” Syed Ather

of public recreation spaces. Smaller fountains were being replaced by larger ones but still technology to run these fountains was basic. Many times the fountains would spill over due to strong winds. They were large fans that dispersed water and sometimes it would inundate the roads. Even if it needed fixing at odd hours of night Ather and his team would be called to rectify the problem

“Dubai allowed me to flourish in my job, I was given recognitio­n and respect by my bosses and peers at the municipali­ty and from a humble beginning I retired. My children have all grown up in Dubai and are now in good jobs and happily settled in Dubai. I believe that UAE has great opportunit­ies for people from every walk of life and this is where dreams materialis­e for many.”

In 2013 Ather retired after a long career with the Dubai Municipali­ty. He has been the owner of his own building maintenanc­e company for the past six years and enjoys the benefits of modern technology in maintainin­g buildings, parks and lakes.

 ?? ?? Ather being awarded at his retirement ceremony.
Ather being awarded at his retirement ceremony.
 ?? ?? Iconic Clock Tower in Dubai.
Iconic Clock Tower in Dubai.

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