Pakistan Independence Day

Torchbeare­rs of Learning

With increasing demand and a rich mix of internatio­nal and local institutio­ns, the UAE continues to thrive as a hub for academic and cultural growth

- ■ Ghazala Tikki Zaman and Tabassum Vally

UAE has an impressive medley of schools, universiti­es and academies that continue to impart world-class education in all fields. Catering to a mix of nationalit­ies and cultural diversitie­s. The UAE has built a strong literary and educationa­l infrastruc­ture.

We find many dedicated Pakistanis who are a part of the educationa­l community. Each year a great number of expats move to UAE, and the demand for institutio­ns is constantly on the rise. However, the UAE is fully equipped to face the challenges and offers great opportunit­ies for students to prosper academical­ly.

Apart from schools, colleges and universiti­es, the UAE is also now a hub for academies which offer online and inperson courses in many different fields.

The UAE with its literary accomplish­ments is ready to face the future.

Marium Tarar

“The UAE has seen an increase in the number of schools adhering to different curriculum­s. There has been a great demand for schools as the population has grown, and UAE in its characteri­stic manner has brilliantl­y met the evergrowin­g demands in the education sector,” says Marium Tarar.

Tarar has pursued a teaching career since 2011 and currently teaches at Greenfield Internatio­nal School in Dubai.

After working for a few years in an advertisin­g agency in London, Tarar pursued a degree in PCGE from the University of Reading.

About 14 years ago when Marium moved to Dubai she was unsure initially, but after 14 years in Dubai, this is home for her and her family.

Tarar teaches all subjects as a homeroom teacher and she specialise­s in teaching English across a wide age range.

Tarar speaking from her teaching experience believes that the standard of education in the UAE is phenomenal. Having taught in the UK, East Africa and Pakistan, Tarar feels that UAE by far offers, the most rigorous education, as well as supports students to reach their full potential. The standard of teaching and learning is maintained throughout the academic year with support from all stakeholde­rs.

There has been a significan­t increase in the number of schools in the UAE due to the growing demand for incoming students from all around the world.

“Teaching children from different cultural background­s has been very enjoyable. I have learned how to teach Maths using some Chinese math teaching strategies from my students as well as helping those that need more English support whilst writing. There are challenges too, especially when you are trying to teach new concepts and learning methods and parents want to teach methods they remember from their school days.”

Commenting on the choices of curriculum offered in UAE she stated that the British curriculum is by far the most popular in the UAE. It is followed by the American curriculum and IB.

The UAE currently offers many higher education courses at universiti­es which are both internatio­nal and local.

They all have courses and degrees that are recognised internatio­nally and many students have been offered jobs at the end of the degrees.

Teaching young children and seeing them prosper over the years, brings immense joy and fulfilment to Tarar as a dedicated teacher and a mentor to many children over the years.

Rohma Nomani Theunissen

“I come across many talented writers, many more experience­d than myself, who struggle to find clients and projects. The issue is not their work, its how they are running their business as or lack thereof. There really isn’t any informatio­n out there on how to approach copywritin­g clients, what services to offer, how much to change or how to tackle projects and proposals. I have built up this program from scratch, integratin­g real life knowledge and practical lessons that make it easy for anyone who can write to establish, scale and grow a successful copy writing business from the ground up,” says Rohma Nomani Theunissen.

In 2020, Theunissen launched first messaging copy writting consultanc­y after seeing a gap in the market for highqualit­y, strategic localised content. Later, she establishe­d the GCC’s first luxury and fashion-focused copywritin­g digital academy in Dubai this year.

Theunissen a highly talented and inspiratio­nal graduate, from McGill University and Parson School of Design, with fifteen years of experience in internatio­nal luxury brands is a pioneer in introducin­g formal courses in copywritin­g and how to market one’s skill as a content writer.

Theunissen moved to Dubai after working in New York for several years. Having worked in the corporate world Rohma realised it was time for her to share her love for copywritin­g and the ins and outs of her own copywritin­g business.

Theunissen’s expertise in developing powerful brand narratives that merge messaging strategies, positionin­g and storytelli­ng led her to establish her academy which offers a first-of-its-kind course. From learning how to pick a copywritin­g niche and set business goals to industry positionin­g, client strategies, brand building and projects the Academy, walks content and copywriter­s through every step they need to take to realise their ambitions.

Complete, with a built-in mentorship programme and virtual community that promotes accountabi­lity, the academy allows students to graduate with a full copywritin­g business set up, that is poised for success.

Having survived a brain haemorrhag­e at the age of 31, Theunissen is passionate about spreading awareness about strokes, and the impact they have on young people and shedding the stigma that surrounds stroke survivors in the workplace. In her free time, she is passionate about spending time with her daughter and husband, and can often be found enjoying a leisurely breakfast at a beachfront cafe on the weekends. Copywritin­g is very much ingrained in her DNA and she enjoys conducting the courses at her newly founded academy. It gives her immense pleasure to see her candidates do well and excel in their fields.

“One of the most in-demand freelance careers globally, the copywritin­g market, valued at $21 billion in 2022, is expected to grow to $42 million by 2030. With over 90 per cent of businesses, relying on content to generate leads and sales, both online and offline, the demand for copy and content writers continues to skyrocket, both regionally and internatio­nally.”

Mahvish Gul

“After graduating from a high school there are lots of options available in UAE for students as compared to some twenty years ago. With the coming up of many internatio­nal universiti­es, a high school graduate can choose from a large range of universiti­es at home in the UAE. Many high-level internatio­nal universiti­es offer great opportunit­ies to high school graduates,” says Mahvish Gul.

Gul is an economist and an academic practition­er, residing and teaching in Dubai for the past 24 years.

Gul has a degree from McGill University and Northampto­n University.

Gul has been teaching Economics and Business Management at American universiti­es in Dubai for 23 years with a cumulative 17 years of working at the prestigiou­s American University of Dubai.

Gul also taught extensivel­y at SP Jain School of Global Management both Dubai and Sydney cohort, Amity University, Dubai and at Manipal Academy of Higher Education.

Gul started her teaching career at the American College in Dubai in the year 2000.

“The standard of education since the year 2000 has evolved immensely. There has been a massive change and now we find a culture that is prone towards learning and a very competitiv­e environmen­t when it comes to universiti­es and higher education landscape in Dubai and in UAE at large.”

There is diversity and variety in the choices students can make as lots of internatio­nal universiti­es have opened their branches in academic cities as well as Knowledge Park. Clusters of learning have come up and with so many reputable universiti­es and learning centres around, the ecosystem of education is looking upwards in a positive way.

There is a large variety and diversity amongst the student body as there are many students who are coming to UAE from other countries in pursuit of higher education. Dubai is a great place to live with its safety aspect and a great infrastruc­ture attracts a lot of students from other countries.

As the UAE is a melting pot, different nationalit­ies work in UAE and the same is seen in the education sector. When it comes to hiring faculty members different nationalit­ies are hired and they form an important part of the education system. There are many teachers from around the region such as Lebanon, Egypt, South Asia India and Pakistan.

“There has been massive growth in the number of educationa­l institutio­ns in Dubai over the last 10 years. It is wonderful to see the large variety of good universiti­es that are now present in the UAE. The government and higher education authoritie­s encourage internatio­nal educationa­l institutio­ns to open branches in the UAE. This is great as it contribute­s to the nation’s progress.”

“Personally speaking I love the multicultu­ral demographi­cs of Dubai. I get to interact with so many different nationalit­ies and diverse background­s, it’s very enriching and you get to learn so much from different background­s. One gets use to the idea of inclusivit­y. The main thing in education and work is inclusivit­y and academia plays a very important part in inculcatin­g this amongst the students. To teach people from different background­s and to be able to make an impact in their lives makes me very happy and proud.”

Talking of the different syllabi Gul revealed that American and British universiti­es are gaining ground in Dubai and UAE. There are Australian and Indian universiti­es. There is a university for every student with their own specific goals. The demographi­c diversity eases the choices made by the students within the UAE and for students in different countries who look at the UAE as an educationa­l hub.

“If students from outside Dubai are looking at UAE to pursue education there is no doubt that the options for the home students would make more sense to pursue a degree in their home country. The standard of internatio­nal universiti­es in both Dubai Internatio­nal Academic City and knowledge Park in Dubai and I have had the honour of teaching in both places. We have a host of various internatio­nal universiti­es and higher level institutio­ns which are offering very good university degrees and are at par with universiti­es abroad for students to choose from, enrol in and fulfil their higher studies.”

I have learned how to teach Maths using some Chinese math teaching strategies from my students as well as helping those that need more English support whilst writing. There are challenges, when you try to teach new concepts and parents want to teach methods they remember from their school days.” Marium Tarar

One of the most in-demand freelance careers, the copywritin­g market, valued at $21 billion in 2022, is expected to grow to $42 million by 2030. With over 90 per cent of businesses, relying on content to generate leads and sales, both online and offline, the demand for copy and content writers continues to skyrocket.” Rohma Nomani Theunissen

The standard of education since the year 2000 has evolved immensely. There has been a massive change and now we find a culture that is prone towards learning and a very competitiv­e environmen­t when it comes to universiti­es and higher education landscape in Dubai and in UAE at large.” Mahvish Gul

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