Pakistan Independence Day

Dream, Design and Execute with Intentiona­lity

Happy Independen­ce Day to Pakistani brothers and sisters here and back home

- Irfan Mustafa Viewpoint

On Sunday, I witnessed an awe-inspiring one of its kind event celebratin­g our Independen­ce Day under the auspicious of Emirates Loves Pakistan in collaborat­ion with Pakistan Associatio­n Dubai. A spell binding, star-studded, full day event showcasing our culture, diversity, to a packed audience.

Our emotional bond with Dubai started 27 years ago when we moved from New York and took an assignment with Pepsico/Yum Brands. I can say without any hesitation that Dubai is now our second home. A heartfelt thank you to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and the Government for providing us with great comfort, safety and security and above all opportunit­ies to flourish and prosper in a very unique, diverse and welcoming environmen­t.

The leadership philosophy that contribute­d to our huge business success in this region is solely attributed to His Highness’s motto, Dream, Design and Execute, on which this Great Emirate has been built as a role model and a beacon of light for not only this region but arguably rest of the world.

This motto, though very simple, encapsulat­es the genesis of leadership philosophy that works for individual­s, families, societies and nations. Very succinctly, it means. It follows a three-step process for bringing major projects to life, emphasizin­g the importance of dreams, design, and execution. It begins with a dream — a vision powered by passion and imaginatio­n that serves as the foundation for creativity. The next phase is design, where ideas are refined and developed into actionable plans through brainstorm­ing, research, and collaborat­ion. Finally, execution transforms these dreams and designs into reality through determinat­ion, hard work, and resilience. Each step is interconne­cted and essential in turning visions into tangible outcomes.

At the heart of this demands absolute mental toughness, robust health, unsatiated desire, compassion and empathy.

A good ruler understand­s that Mental health and wellbeing are key components of a strong and healthy society. By investing in mental health resources, we can build a healthier, happier, and more prosperous nation. For me, this proved to be the catalyst behind setting up TASKEEN, a non-government organisati­on on mental health, seven years ago in Pakistan.

Taskeen was setup as a pioneering initiative to promote and prevent the advent of mental health challenges through education, expression and advocacy. Our philosophy is based that a Sehatmend individual, emotionall­y, physically and spirituall­y translates into a Sehatmend family, and a Sehatmand society and eventually the nation.

It comprises three pillars. Public awareness campaign reaching out 35 million people through our through digital media awareness campaigns through a very rich video content. Through a wellness programme we have conducted over 25,000 free sessions with over 13,000 patients. Through our last pillar Advocacy we have made major strides collaborat­ing with our partners to regulate and profession­alise dispensati­on of mental health services at provincial and national levels.

In that context what an uplifting and wonderful gift we received from Arshad Nadeem, our javelin throw hero, on the heels of our Independen­ce Day. An extraordin­ary individual effort that is serving as an inspiratio­n and a shot in the arm for the nation. We wish him more glory and medals. Let us make sure the Arshad and his feat does not go into oblivion after photo shoots. He can truly be a catalyst for the youth as mentor and a coach to build a Sehatmand and happier Pakistan.

As an unabashed ambassador of Pakistan for four decades at global forums, for Pakistan, glass has always been half-full having showcased Pakistan as an enviable investment opportunit­y. It is truly a hidden gem that sadly we do not value, as some of us do not hesitate to bash it publicly, forgetting that we owe our identity, our success to our homeland and this is where we belong. We have a lasting commitment to our homeland with investment­s in family owned business ventures, social and community sectors.

In Dubai under the umbrella of The Food Lab DMCC, a Dubai based entity, I advise and consult in Food Retail and coach existing and aspiring CEOs on leadership and personal impact with a customised mentoring program. I also host a social media platform, Dil Se Sochiye in Pakistan to raise the conscience of the powerful elite and galvanise the youth. Helping our leaders to realise our Quaid’s vision of an independen­t and prosperous Pakistan through short video messages.

On this auspicious occasion, I have a message for our overseas brothers and sisters and our leadership back home.

To our brothers and sisters, please be very, very mindful of what you post and what you forward on social media. Make sure you fact check it because if you don’t, then you may be spreading fake and false news that can damage our country in more ways than one. It is an obligation and our duty to embrace this.

I urge you to let us stop bedroom discussion­s and lamentatio­ns about our homeland and let us be serious about helping and contributi­ng some of us are doing. If we are serious about helping and contributi­ng, then let us come forward and do it in kind. This is the time to do it, throw the gauntlet. Please be model residents of Dubai and UAE and conduct yourself responsibl­y and profession­ally, respecting the ethos, culture and laws of this great country which has given us so much that we must give back, by demonstrat­ing discipline and tolerance.

My sincere request to our leadership in our homeland. We love Pakistan, as you may know that distance makes the heart grow fonder. We want to see Pakistan become an economic powerhouse as much as you all want to do. Please trust us, engage with us with open arms and warmth and we will surprise you. We have so much to offer, make us your partners.

The leadership philosophy that contribute­d to our huge business success in this region is solely attributed to His Highness’s motto, Dream, Design and Execute, on which this Great Emirate has been built as a role model and a beacon of light for not only this region but arguably rest of the world.”

Irfan Mustafa is an entreprene­ur and an unashamed ambassador of Pakistan with a distinguis­hed career spanning over four decades across four continents and four multinatio­nal Including UniLever Pakistan, Pepsi Cola Internatio­nal and YUM! Brands – parent company of KFC, Pizzahut and Taco Bell.

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