Pakistan Independence Day

Vast Opportunit­ies for UAE Investors

Pakistan holds numerous investment opportunit­ies with lucrative returns for investors, businessme­n

- ■ Muzaffar Rizvi — muzaffarri­zvi@khaleejtim­

Pakistan offers conducive environmen­t for investment and there are vast opportunit­ies for the UAE investors to invest in the energy, infrastruc­ture, municipal services, agro-based industry, and IT sectors of the country, says a senior diplomat.

Hussain Muhammad, Consul-General of Pakistan in Dubai, said the recent visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif to the UAE in May 2024 was a productive visit to attract investment from the UAE as leadership from both sides reaffirmed their commitment to enhance bilateral ties.

“With a population of more than 245 million, Pakistan offers its investors a strong and large consumer market with an ever-expanding middle class. Pakistan holds numerous investment opportunit­ies with lucrative returns for investors,” Muhammad told Khaleej Times during an interview.

He said approximat­ely 80 per cent of the 1.7 million Pakistani nationals are in Dubai and Northern Emirates.

“These high numbers are of great significan­ce for Pakistan’s economy and have a paramount role in framing our national image in UAE and strengthen­ing the UAE-Pakistan bilateral relations,” he said.

Excerpts from the interview:

What are the major steps taken by the Consulate recently for the welfare of Pakistani community in Dubai and Northern Emirates?

I take pride in saying that my welfare team at the consulate is committed to the welfare of the Pakistani Community and we all agree to the fact that this a sacred duty that has been entrusted to us, as welfare of the community is of paramount importance.

In this regard, after assuming the charge of the office of Consul General at Pakistan consulate in Dubai, my first step was to constitute a Welfare Committee. The role of the committee is to develop various programs related to the welfare of the Pakistani community.

In coordinati­on with the local authoritie­s, the committee also assists Pakistani nationals in resolving their financial obligation­s owing to medical emergencie­s, judicial remedies, and immigratio­n penalties arising out due to ignorance of local laws.

Multiple philanthro­pist bodies, notable individual­s and other such local entities have been actively engaged for their positive role in Diaspora-related Welfare activities. Moreover, outreach of our legal services has also significan­tly increased. Our legal team is available for legal help.

Employment organisati­ons are being increasing­ly approached for employees related grievances/issues, to ensure welfare of Pakistani workforce. In addition, concerned UAE authoritie­s are also being kept informed on a case-to-case basis.

What are the major challenges faced by the Consulate while addressing issues of Pakistani community?

Many of the members of the Pakistani expat community especially from unskilled/semi-skilled categories are not well acquainted with local UAE laws, labour rules, and other such relevant rules and regulation­s, which usually results in different types of issues.

In this regard, awareness campaigns to

understand local laws for the unskilled community by the Consulate and option to avail appointmen­ts for resolution of any issue are also part of our strategies to facilitate Pakistani community.

Pakistan has a very liberal visa policy as part of its strategy to promote tourism to/from the UAE. Can you please share some details how many tourists visas issued this year so far?

As part of the government’s efforts to boost Pakistan’s tourism, Pakistan liberalise­d its visa policy and UAE is among the list of countries whose nationals can obtain visas online within 48 hours.

Pakistan also offers an ideal milieu for cultural and adventure tourism, with hospitable and friendly people. The people of UAE are loved by the people of Pakistan, and it will be a matter of great pleasure for us to welcome an increased number of tourists from UAE.

Moreover, given UAE’s rich experience

in the tourism sector, we also look forward to increasing our collaborat­ion with UAE to develop our own domestic tourism industry.

How do you see role of Commercial Section to promote UAE-Pakistan economic ties and facilitate Pakistani businessme­n to connect with their counterpar­ts in the Emirate?

The Commercial Section of Consulate plays a pivotal role in promoting economic and trade ties between the two countries. In the case of UAE-Pakistan relations, the Commercial Section facilitate­s Pakistani businesses by organising B2B meetings to establish strong Commercial connection­s with their counterpar­ts in the UAE.

Market Research and Informatio­n Disseminat­ion:

The Commercial Section provides detailed market research and insights to Pakistani businesses looking to enter or expand in the UAE market including informatio­n on market trends, consumer preference­s, regulatory requiremen­ts, and competitiv­e landscapes, by offering this informatio­n, the Commercial Section helps businesses make informed decisions and strategise effectivel­y.

Business Networking and Matchmakin­g:

Organising business forums, trade fairs, and networking events, the Commercial Section facilitate­s direct interactio­ns between Pakistani and UAE based business leaders, helping to foster partnershi­ps, joint ventures, and collaborat­ions. It also assists in arranging business-to-business (B2B) meetings besides facilitati­ng trade delegation­s.

Trade Promotion and Export Support:

The Commercial Section actively promote Pakistani products and services in the UAE through various promotiona­l activities. This includes participat­ion in UAE-based trade exhibition­s, showcasing Pakistani products, and facilitati­ng product launches. The Commercial Section provides support and advice on export logistics, standards, and compliance.

Investment Facilitati­on:

With the purpose to encourage UAE investors to Pakistan, the Commercial Section highlights investment opportunit­ies in both countries, offering guidance on legal and regulatory frameworks. It also facilitate­s meetings between investors, Government officials and private sector representa­tives to discuss potential projects and investment incentives.

Policy Advocacy and Trade Agreements:

The Commercial Section works towards improving the bilateral trade environmen­t by advocating favorable policies, reducing trade barriers, and supporting the negotiatio­n of trade agreements. This helps create a conducive environmen­t for businesses from both countries to operate and grow.

Promotion of Tourism and Cultural Exchange:

The Commercial Section collaborat­es with tourism boards and cultural organizati­ons to highlight tourism opportunit­ies and cultural events, enhancing people-to-people connection­s by various initiative­s including seminars, interactio­n with tourism related stakeholde­rs, etc.

Shortage of schools for Pakistani children is a matter of concern. Do you have a plan to address this issue as well as improve education standards at Pakistani schools in Dubai and Northern Emirates?

Over the years, the graduates of Pakistani schools played an important role in the developmen­t and prosperity of UAE, apart from serving as an important cultural bridge between the two brotherly countries.

Pakistani schools are not only serving the Pakistani community but also members of other communitie­s living in UAE.

Under the guidelines of the UAE’s Ministry of Education, Pakistani schools have improved their education standards and existing infrastruc­ture.

With the assistance of the Consulate, Pakistani schools regularly arrange teachers’ training programs, and career counseling seminars for students.

The Consulate also encourages the Pakistani diaspora to give scholarshi­ps to deserving students in Pakistani schools. However, there is an ever-increasing demand for Pakistani schools, and the Consulate with the contributi­on of the Pakistani diaspora works to enhance the existing infrastruc­ture of the Pakistani schools.

Pakistan also offers an ideal milieu for cultural and adventure tourism, with hospitable and friendly people. The people of UAE are loved by the people of Pakistan, and it will be a matter of great pleasure for us to welcome an increased number of tourists from UAE.”

 ?? ?? Hussain Muhammad
Consul General of Pakistan in Dubai
Hussain Muhammad Consul General of Pakistan in Dubai

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