Pakistan Independence Day

We’re Building Partnershi­ps to Promote Investment and Trade: Ambassador

SIFC provides a window of opportunit­y for foreign investors to take befit from Pakistan’s investment potential

- ■ Muzaffar Rizvi — muzaffarri­zvi@khaleejtim­

Pakistan-UAE bilateral trade and investment have huge potential to grow due to nature of strong political relations and regional proximity and both the countries are taking appropriat­e measures to further strengthen their relations on multiple fronts, a top diplomat says.

Faisal Niaz Tirmizi, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the UAE, said Pakistan and the UAE are time-tested friends and recently signed seven memorandum of understand­ings (MoUs) to boost investment in key sectors.

“Pakistan highly values its relations with the UAE and prioritise­s its political and economic partnershi­p with the emirate. I’m confident that our relations with the UAE will further strengthen in coming years,” Tirmizi told Khaleej Times during an interview.

The UAE is one of the major trading partners of Pakistan and its annual bilateral trade stood firm at $10.6 billion. Pakistan is keen to push two-way trade to $40 billion in next 10 years through policy measures by removing trade barriers, rationalis­ing tariff and facilitati­ng traders and investors of both sides.

Tirmizi, a career diplomat who joined the foreign service in 1993, said both nations are keen to promote bilateral trade relations and increase cooperatio­n in key sectors such as agricultur­e, mining, energy and logistics, among others.

In May, the UAE announced the allocation of $10 billion for investment in promising economic sectors in Pakistan. The announceme­nt came following successful visit of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to the UAE.

Excerpts from the interview:

Pakistan Prime Minister recently announced that the UAE will invest $10 billion in Pakistan. Could you please share some details or progress in this regard?

Pakistan and UAE signed seven MoUs in November 2023 aimed at bolstering investment cooperatio­n in logistics, port operations, energy, mining, banking & finance, food & agricultur­e and waterwaste management sectors.

Currently, efforts are underway to translate these MoUs into tangible investment projects.

Pakistan offers multiple investment opportunit­ies through SIFC platform. Do you think the UAE will channelise part of $10 billion investment through SIFC?

Yes. The platform of Special Investment Facilitati­on Council (SIFC) has been created to ensure smooth channeling of foreign investment into Pakistan. I strongly believe that SIFC provides a window of opportunit­y for foreign investors to take benefit from Pakistan’s investment potential.

How do you see UAE-Pakistan bilateral trade and investment ties in recent years? Do you expect any major project or breakthrou­gh in near future?

Pakistan-UAE bilateral trade has a huge potential due to nature of strong political relations and regional proximity. Both sides are making efforts to increase it through diversific­ation of products and strong business to business linkages.

What major policy measures you have introduced to further strengthen bilateral ties between the two countries?

Being the first country to open its diplomatic mission in the UAE in 1971, Pakistan highly values its relations with the UAE and always prioritise­s its political and economic partnershi­p. The regular high-level contacts, and efforts to further cement economic and investment ties are some of the visible manifestat­ions of Pakistan’s policy of strengthen­ing bilateral ties with the UAE.

You initiated the process of Cepa with UAE last year. Do you think we will conclude Cepa this year?

The discussion­s between two sides are still underway on the Comprehens­ive Economic Partnershi­p Agreement (Cepa).

What new initiative­s were introduced at the embassy and consulate to facilitate visitors to renew ID Cards and passports and attestatio­n of documents, among others?

We have taken all necessary measures to ensure smooth and speedy renewal of national identity cards and passports. There is also a possibilit­y to apply for renewal online. The embassy has establishe­d 24/7 helpline for the community members to get updated informatio­n and seek help in case of any emergency. We have also renovated and extended consular facility for diaspora.

How do you scope of work with the UAE government and private sector to create investment and business opportunit­ies for the country?

I agree that informatio­n technology, tourism, hospitalit­y, renewable energy and agricultur­e are some the key sectors that can transform Pakistan’s economy. Considerin­g the potential in these sectors, we are engaged with the UAE government as well as private sector aimed at promoting investment and building partnershi­ps. I hope our joint efforts would bring dividends for the people of two sides.

The UAE and Pakistan have agreed on prisoner exchange treaty. How many Pakistani prisoners benefited from the treaty so far?

Pakistan and the UAE have signed prisoner exchanged treaty. Pursuant to the provisions of treaty, both sides are engaged currently for the transfer of group of Pakistani prisoners to Pakistan.

 ?? ?? The ambassador exchanging views with an exhibitor at Pakistan pavilion during the Gulfood exhibition at World Trade Centre Dubai on February 19, 2024.
The ambassador exchanging views with an exhibitor at Pakistan pavilion during the Gulfood exhibition at World Trade Centre Dubai on February 19, 2024.

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