
Gulfood Goes Green

The upcoming mega food events reflects a concerted effort to address the pressing challenges facing the global food system, paving the way for a more sustainabl­e and resilient future


The 29th edition of Gulfood, the world’s largest food and beverage trade show, is set to be not only bigger but also greener this year. Organised by the Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC), the event is making strides towards sustainabi­lity with the introducti­on of two new events — Gulfood Green and Gulfood Agrotech, scheduled to take place from September 24 to 26, at DWTC.

Gulfood Green 2024 aims to provide a crucial global platform for the entire food ecosystem to collaborat­e on achieving sustainabi­lity across various dimensions, encompassi­ng everything from farming practices to supply chains, production methods, logistics, and consumptio­n patterns. This event will facilitate the exchange of ideas, technologi­es, regulation­s, and consumer trends geared towards sustainabl­e food production and consumptio­n. Topics of discussion will include sourcing of clean label products, green packaging, plant-forward food production, and strategies to minimise food waste throughout the supply chain.

On the other hand, Gulfood Agrotech 2024 will focus on harnessing innovative technologi­es to create a more sustainabl­e agricultur­al and food ecosystem globally.

With the projected agritech market reaching $22.6 billion by 2025, driven by the increasing demand for food security and traceabili­ty, this event will serve as a platform for stakeholde­rs to explore transforma­tive technologi­es and solutions that address the challenges faced by the agricultur­e and food sectors.

Gulfood Green will shed light on the impact of sourcing disruption­s, production methods, transporta­tion, and logistics on developing countries, offering insights into how these challenges can be addressed through technology and innovation. By fostering internatio­nal collaborat­ion and showcasing ground-breaking developmen­ts, the event aims to tackle socioecono­mic and environmen­tal issues exacerbati­ng food insecurity.

Moreover, the significan­t influx of venture capital investment­s into agritech startups highlights the growing demand for innovative solutions in the industry. Gulfood Agrotech seeks to capitalise on this trend by providing a platform for startups to connect with investors, accelerato­rs, and innovation builders from around the world, thus facilitati­ng the growth and developmen­t of groundbrea­king technologi­es in agricultur­e.

In a groundbrea­king move, Gulfood Green 2024, the dedicated event focused on catalysing sustainabl­e and eco-positive food ecosystems, will be hosted alongside Gulfood Agrotech 2024, from 24-26 September 2024, converging next generation farm machinery, equipment, techniques and practices including leveraging the fourth industry technologi­es of AI, robotics and blockchain amongst other emerging deep tech.

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