Gulf News

Tabasheer Al Rutab: Heritage celebratio­n of first dates harvest

Markets become hives of vibrancy with first harvest arriving from local farms


As summer begins in the UAE, it brings along the “ripening of the first date palm fruits”, known locally as Tabasheer Al Rutab, a moment that Emiratis eagerly anticipate when the harvest season begins.

The date palm remains as significan­t for the people of UAE today as it did for their ancestors.

Many varieties

Markets become hives of vibrancy with the first harvest arriving from local farms, attracting date enthusiast­s in early June. Earliest-ripening varieties such as Al Naghal and Al Khatri signal the upcoming ripening of other varieties, such as Al Khnizi, Al Khalas and Al Jabri, with the season continuing until August, ending with varieties that include Al Khasab and Al Hilali.

For the people of the UAE, the date palm symbolises limitless giving and blessings, offering not just its delectable fruits but also its various parts such as fronds and branches, which were traditiona­lly used to create essential tools for daily life. The palm tree is also a cornerston­e of Emirati heritage, given its significan­t social and cultural value.

Cultivatio­n, research

Recognisin­g its significan­ce in Emirati heritage, the country’s focus is on cultivatin­g palm trees, establishi­ng relevant research centres, conducting studies, and organising festivals and awards to encourage farmers and spread awareness of this unique tree. These steps align with the vision of UAE’s Founding Father, late Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who showed a strong commitment to promoting the date palm by developing and expanding its cultivatio­n, activities that took place under his direct supervisio­n.

In the Al Dhafra region of Abu Dhabi, Tabasheer Al Rutab holds a variety of connotatio­ns. Besides signalling the approachin­g harvest, it also marks the approach of one of the region’s most important festivals celebratin­g the date palm. The annual Liwa Date Festival will hold its 20th edition from July 15 to 28, under the patronage of Shaikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister, and Chairman of the Presidenti­al Court. It will be organised by the Abu Dhabi Heritage Authority.

The earliest-ripening varieties such as Al Naghal and Al Khatri signal the upcoming ripening of other varieties, such as Al Khnizi, Al Khalas and Al Jabri, with the season continuing until August, ending with varieties that include Al Khasab and Al Hilali.

Tourist attraction

The Festival draws tourists from far and wide to celebrate the significan­ce of the date palm. This event not only showcases the palm tree’s cultural and historical importance, but also its vital role in the economy.

In Abu Dhabi, the palm sector is more than just an agricultur­al cornerston­e; it is a linchpin in the food security framework and a guardian of the ecosystem.

 ?? WAM ?? The date palm offers not just fruits, but fronds and branches traditiona­lly used to create essential tools for daily life in UAE.
WAM The date palm offers not just fruits, but fronds and branches traditiona­lly used to create essential tools for daily life in UAE.

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